Example sentences of "[pers pn] [to-vb] they [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In December 1757 he tried to excuse himself ‘ as my abode is at such distance from the place where the Royal Society hold their weekly meetings as to render it not only inconvenient , but unsafe for me to attend them in the winter season. , A month later Ellis countered with , ‘ I scarce think it possible that Mr. Miller should have no one friend in the Society to send him word and , indeed , I had told Rivington to tell Miller I would be glad to discuss the matter at Fulham , and Miller ignored it . ’
2 Now look at that I want you to see them in the bath , they enjoy themselves like children .
3 They are not prescriptive and it is open to you to implement them in the way that best suits your firm .
4 It is up to you to put them in the mood you want .
5 ‘ It was very good of you to take them to the sea .
6 You want me to put them in the bag ?
7 The sculptor is encouraged to deepen the relief to make the figures stand out better ; and this in turn , making them more like statues , encourages him to treat them in the convention of free sculpture rather than that of drawing .
8 He used to listen to American Football on the American Forces Network and was so enthused with it that he wrote to the American Embassy , who invited him to visit them for the day .
9 One or two of the gentle , giant horses snorted in fear , but they allowed her to lead them to the safety of the barn , while Seb was struggling to maintain control of the hunters .
10 They drank their coffee and he took both cups and leaned across her to put them on the settle .
11 So an important strategy for helping the learner is occasionally to list , at the end of the piece or work you are marking , all the errors the pupil has made , writing them correctly and clearly , and to ask him to study them in the way the Basic spelling strategy " B " suggests ( page 11 ) .
12 so I told him to keep them on the back of that door .
13 for her to have them in the house .
14 In Gregory 's account , Chlodomer , before setting off to Vézeronce , asked his half-brother , Theuderic , to accompany him , and the latter agreed ; but when Childebert and Chlothar asked him to join them at the time of their later campaign against the Burgundian kingdom , he refused .
15 If the Hon. Gentleman has suggestions , I advise him to bring them to the attention of the Accommodation and Administration Sub-Committee .
16 He therefore called on the other three republics to accept Russia as the successor state to the Soviet Union in this regard , and to delegate it to represent them over the START treaty and future negotiations .
17 Then you slide the inner wall across and use it to pin them against the side of the cage so they ca n't move or fight .
18 They bound and gagged two children and then forced one of them to take them to the money .
19 Many Heads have expressed to me their appreciation of what the lu Labour Group has done for them to rescue them from the plight that the Tories imposed on them .
20 They 've asked us to provide them with the finance one container , that 's five hundred pound , plus two hundred pound transport , which will be matched by the community council if we do it .
21 The banks want us to pay them for the privilege of making their money from our money .
22 Far from being taken back , they were delighted by our sudden arrival , and unhesitatingly encouraged us to join them in the water .
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