Example sentences of "[pers pn] [to-vb] [adv prt] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This sets out the draft proposals and erm will after this meeting go to all members of the Council for them to go through with a toothcomb as well as you .
2 But the room was suddenly bathed in light and Nancy Leadbetter , who had pressed all the switches by the door , was among them and telling them to go out to the barbecue because that was where the fun was about to begin .
3 Initially , all that is required of volunteers is for them to go along to a clinic where a small sample of blood is taken .
4 Because they have been treated more as adults here , the contrast between this and ordinary school makes it sometimes difficult for them to return and adapt to being treated as children again , so it is obviously preferable for them to continue on at the unit .
5 They say they are looking forward to seeing him soon , and that he will be safely with them to sit down at the table and enjoy the feast of the next Thanksgiving dinner .
6 Walking with his gauche , bouncy tread , his shoulders hunched , Nicola 's husband led Blanche and Dexter down the steps into the kitchen and gestured for them to sit down round the kitchen table .
7 You 're preparing me to go out into the street , but I still have to go back to the system first .
8 So then it was up to me to go back to the script and find what I could to give me a lead .
9 My mother wanted me to go down to the bungalow with them and because I wanted — I wanted our relations to improve — well , I said I would . ’
10 One of my other SCOTTISH OFFICE contacts has asked me to go in for a sandwich lunch on Wednesday ( 25th ) , which is kind .
11 ‘ Does Faye … or Dr Greene … want me to go in to the hospital ? ’
12 He took my passport off me and told me to sit down on a bench sat against the wall ; I picked up a magazine and read it while he checked my details .
13 Also , when he gestured to me to sit down on the mats which covered the floor , I could not but observe two fairly fresh ( tuskless ) skulls above the door by which we had entered .
14 I stumbled to the first landing before the recurring cramp forced me to sit down on the floor .
15 In preparation for the ceremony of toppling , a huge power pylon containing the loaves to allow them to fall out into the water , the group made an application to be granted an exemption from the law prohibiting the dumping of waste at sea .
16 The most usual course of action for disappointed applicants will be for them to write back to the Com
17 ‘ Any more than it 's possible for me to work up at the college with all those strapping lads running round in jockey shorts and have no reaction whatsoever . ’
18 ‘ When the manager wanted me to work out in the reserves I accepted it .
19 Jasper knelt up on the seats with the rest of them to observe out of the window their progress to Kensington High Street .
20 But I mean we also , we , I mean we 're providing a service for them to allow them to come on off the street , use the bus , right , but at the same time were trying to provide services for them because one of the things that came out in a consultation was , young people did n't feel that there was enough information for them in the town .
21 We 're told it 's a very close thing , the decision not to participate erm and there were certain technical and theoretical reasons , I think , that led them to come down on the side of not .
22 In their early twenties they had a group called the Actors and RCA records asked them to come in for a meeting .
23 The women have become more feminist in their outlook and this has helped them to stand up against the men of the villages and take a firm stance in their lives .
24 She used the cry of her voice to draw them to her , allowing them first to fly away and then encouraging them to swoop back at the height of their arc of flight .
25 I met Charlie , and he asked me to come along to the Mothering Day Service .
26 They wanted me to stand by as a consultant .
27 It 's a good idea of yours to come out of the Rolls Royce while the going 's good .
28 ‘ Am I to walk on to the stage at the Shield with it on my finger , and the whole audience thinking that I am a wife when I am none ?
29 She wrote to him quite sharply , not caring who read her letter , that : — it is impossible for me to post a gun as you ought to know you foolish man for what would the post office officials think were I to turn up with a gun to send ?
30 I to get down in the cupboard .
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