Example sentences of "[pers pn] [to-vb] [adv] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the 1987 budget , a " carryback " was introduced for BES investors , enabling them to carry back to the previous tax year relief on up to 15,000 invested .
2 My conclusion makes it unnecessary for me to proceed further upon the natural justice argument .
3 We had a grand doctor from London once , who told me to go out in the fresh air and try to get well .
4 In fact , he was the one who encouraged me to go down to the Lesbian and Gay Centre in Edinburgh .
5 He waited for them to pass through into the central chamber .
6 While subjects were actually driving around they were required to give risk ratings , this may have caused them to concentrate unusually on the risky situations and think about them to a much greater degree than they would have normally .
7 But if more deaths among the female goats resulted from the aberrant male breeding behaviour in this population , what caused them to behave so in the first place ?
8 Before she undressed , Nicandra pulled back the window curtains , cold as glass in her hands , and stood between them to look out at the changed world .
9 It 's just I like to know where I stand and which bit of me to tense up before the rubber truncheon lands .
10 Team 1 is concentrating on the basement and ground floor , so I want you to go up to the 4th level as team 2 will be putting out the flames on floors 2 + 3 .
11 ‘ Grimm , ’ he said , ‘ I want you to go deep into the ruptured entrails of Vasilariov to search for another hydra .
12 Nevertheless you also feel pressure on you to go back to the old ways .
13 ‘ I did n't ask you to come here in the first place , and I certainly did n't ask for your help out here .
14 That is why I want you to listen carefully to the dreaded DOs and DON'Ts I am about to give you .
15 I hope that this series of articles may have encouraged you to look again at the various stitch patterns which your machine can produce .
16 What I 'd like you to do just for the last ten minutes is to think of a member of staff you have who has a training need and think about how you will go about training them and the methods that you will use .
17 ‘ I want you to deal personally with the Potrovsky widow .
18 ‘ We 'd pay the going rate , and provide a car to enable you to get around to the various stores and liaise with curtain-makers and such . ’
19 IMAGINE my surprise on getting through the post an appeal on behalf of the very rich a personalised letter from Chris Patten MP exhorting me to give generously to the Conservative Party or else I might ‘ wake up on the morning after polling day to find Neil Kinnock and the Labour Party are in power ’ .
20 Surprisingly perhaps , two of those working closest to that tradition , seem to me to do so with the utmost integrity : the small densely-stitched bird and animal embroideries of Jane Poulton and the tiny appliqued images of Janet Bolton reveal immense pleasure in their use of thread , textile and colour .
21 How are we to get out of the present mess ?
22 Rather it is an opportunity for them to contribute positively to the educational , social and personal support which many pupils do need but often do not receive .
23 It marked them off from other men and made it difficult for them to settle down to the dull conformity of civilian existence after the war .
24 He slung his cloak of feathers over the staff and Scathach helped him to sit down in the slight shelter that this garment offered .
25 So I started to write a variation on the first bar and told her to go on in the same way and to keep to the idea .
26 Jennifer remembered Tristram 's face grinning through the wall , and the firm warm clasp of his hand as he reached through to her ; she remembered a night when the moonlight was like mercury on the trees — and she remembered her own sudden cry of love and joy , which Mrs Prynn had thought was the deadly shriek of a mandrake and which had caused her to go down to the lower scullery to see if Jennifer was safe .
27 It is absurd , every time we introduce another element of our policy , for him to leap on to the populist pitch and then , as he no doubt will in a few minutes ' time , find some detailed reasons for being opposed to it .
28 I was confident I could wear her down eventually , but I certainly never expected her to come across at the first time of asking .
29 He is right to change the emphasis of the list and we urge him to stand up to the civil servants who are resisting change .
30 One view saw Suharto 's motive in encouraging greater activism on the part of Golkar as an attempt to acquire a reforming image to help counteract pressure on him to stand down before the 1993 election .
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