Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] not [verb] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I accept your favour , my lady , although I may not wear it on my sleeve as a true knight should .
2 I could not lend it to you . ’
3 I could not formulate it to myself then but I felt the uniqueness .
4 ‘ Of course nothing can be formally arranged just at this present , ’ went on Miss Merchiston , and Theda almost laughed out to see the burgeoning hope in the poor man 's face , ‘ for with dear Mama in this sad condition , I could not reconcile it with my conscience to leave her in the care of other hands .
5 I 'd not put it past him to lock me up … ’
6 Of what followed I can not tell in detail — I dare not put it into words .
7 I would not show it to my grandchildren , ’ said the 63-year-old actor .
8 ‘ But I made a decision that I would not do it beyond the age of 35 , and then I would return to try to make a contribution . ’
9 From across the kitchen he said , ‘ I do n't think anything I have painted this autumn is quite as good as this , but then , I would not expect it to be .
10 ‘ I no longer want full government funding from a government that is going to be dictatorial as hell , which is not to say I would not prefer it under a government of a different kind . ’
11 I would not like it to be said that I had had my mother put away . ’
12 It is true that a form of haematuria is called ‘ essential ’ , but I can not believe Eliot was referring to that , though I would not put it past him .
13 It is difficult to think that Parliament intended the section to operate so capriciously and I would not construe it in that sense unless clearly constrained to do so by the statutory language .
14 If Main Headquarters order it , I must obey , but I will not do it on my own responsibility ! ’
15 A member of one local authority in England — I will not name it for obvious reasons — told me that the police in that area have said that following up poll tax debts and warrants is not a high priority .
16 I can not do it without you , ’ said Grainne .
17 I can not give it to you , ’ Marie said angrily .
18 I can not explain it to you now , but I must go . ’
19 yeah , I can not eat it by itself , I could n't eat
20 I see the error — yet I can not correct it without overthrowing all ‘ rules and regulations ’ , which I can not persuade myself to do , even in a work of fiction .
21 ‘ Mr Beckenham , since I am in some sort indebted to you , I will , if you please , refrain from making you any answer , for I can not take it upon myself to do so without speaking to you in a manner which must sound both insolent and ungrateful ! ’
22 er I think we get a saturation point and the thing that annoys me is that young fellow who came to the club had a got , we got a special went to the special trouble of getting a for him and I can not get it off him and he lives up Newton way somewhere I 've been to him three times
23 I can not fight it without weapons .
24 I can not fight it without weapons …
25 M79 is in the same field with 41 , and against a dark sky there should be no real problem in locating it , though under moonlight conditions I can not see it without a telescope .
26 I can not see it in ‘ Stitchworld ’ although number 177 has a similar sort of line .
27 That is why I can not find it within me to sympathise with the poor punters who once besieged the offices of the Daily Mail demanding their £35,000 in prize money only to find that when the music stopped there were more winners than chairs for them to sit upon .
28 I can not accept it with any great tranquillity .
29 You may not feel it at the moment because I 've blocked your mind from the pain .
30 You may not feel it in the shop , or on our first few runs .
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