Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] not see [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I moved round to the other windows , but I could not see her in any of the rooms .
2 He almost pranced along the passage with his pet and I hoped fervently that I would not see them in there again .
3 ‘ When she started staying with friends I would not see her for about a week or so , but I was not concerned .
4 Yet as our relationship deepened , you seemed to abstract yourself , and sometimes I would not see you for days on end .
5 At first I can not see her for the heaps of people about her bedside , brandished with packaged sweets and magazines and flowers of white and purple .
6 M79 is in the same field with 41 , and against a dark sky there should be no real problem in locating it , though under moonlight conditions I can not see it without a telescope .
7 I can not see it in ‘ Stitchworld ’ although number 177 has a similar sort of line .
8 You may not see it at the back there a lot stronger , okay .
9 For a second she saw a man on top of the rock , then she could not see him behind the waves .
10 She could not see him in any such clear moralistic light .
11 Before Jos could knock at the door , it was opened by a tiny old woman bent at such an angle that she could not see them without straightening up , her head cocked to one enquiring side .
12 The hair on his face was untrimmed , and his nose had spread with drinking , but the weather-hard skin was not the skin of a drunkard , and if the hair on his temples was thinning , you could not see it for the leather fillet he wore .
13 But as you can not see me at present with any advantage to yourself , I leave for Tunbridge , my dear , and hope we shall better understand one another on my return .
14 We work all year round but ca n't work on the uplands during the winter months — we might not see it for six to eight weeks .
15 He could not see me behind the curtains , and clearly did not expect an answer .
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