Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] go [adv prt] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Well I 'll go in get the next , next week 's maths class .
2 I could go on describing the people I meet here .
3 That fact that in , a two years time I can go on to do the subjects that I want to do at the University in Scotland of my choice .
4 I do n't think I can go on guarding the jewels any more .
5 And , who knows , you may go on to become a Master of Wine .
6 Once you have established what your options are , you should go on to produce a specific recommendation or set of recommendations .
7 The Flying Scotsman may never again set any records for speed , but loved and cared-for , no doubt she 'll go on holding a place in the hearts of steam enthusiasts for another 70 years , a reminder of the days when trains were smoky , dirty , smelly , and beautiful .
8 As a justification for indulging the imperative demands of the flesh it was pathetic , and she knew it , but she did n't think she could go on fighting the passion they awoke in each other .
9 Once he knew you 'd found out about the paintings , he might have thought you 'd go on to discover the truth about the murder .
10 If you are recording on a Super-format such as S-VHS , though , the copying loss will be barely discernible , and you could go on to make a copy-of-a-copy ( ie third generation ) without noticeable fall-off .
11 When she was a teenager she used to go round wearing a blanket with a hole cut in it for her head .
12 Then what you might say is well what ar y'know erm you might say well s one define aggression , two define one theory , define the other and then y'know just structure it so you 're talking about single or sentences maybe on on a line that go down to very little but enough to show how you would go about answering the question .
13 if we 're talking about going to the you can go down to play the course there , you 'd only get one round played .
14 Well I 've had a word with Keith and he will be available and , and very willing to do a one day seminar of that nature basically on why unison how we should go about convincing the , the membership at large how we should er conduct the free ballot campaign as it were .
15 Somehow I ca n't see us remaining in the number two position — but fingers crossed scumta will strike down our foes and inspire out team to greater things and we 'll go on to win the league .
16 We could go about having a quarter of an hour batting
17 After a brief discussion of the first question , we shall go on to consider the present distribution of services within local government in the United Kingdom .
18 We shall go on upgrading the region 's rail and road links to ensure faster , more efficient access to the European markets .
19 Then , when it had grown dark , we would go out to join the paseo :
20 We will go on to create a Department of Legal Administration headed by a Minister in the Commons who will be responsible for all courts and tribunals in England and Wales .
21 " We can go on watching the place — obviously we 've got to .
22 But above all , we can trace each of these inferences to the facts that trigger them , namely , aspects of the form and juxtaposition of the utterances themselves , and we can go on to specify the regular principles that , given such aspects of utterances , produce the inferences in question .
23 ‘ I 'm really looking forward to linking up with David because I believe we can go on to become every bit as good as the partnership I had with Ian . ’
24 No apparently , yeah , my dad used to carry a gun around so like they 'd go , they 'd go out to like a restaurant , yeah
25 Day in and day out , today they can Same with old mowing machines , they used to go out To open a field up in those days , they used to have to go round with a scythe .
26 They will go on to join the Royal Marines Band Service after musical training .
27 It became important that he should go on believing the lie , for what he could do if he discovered the truth of the situation did n't bear thinking about .
28 But he must go on to explain the sorts of variations which have this effect on individuals ( or other subjects ) if he is to rely on counterfactual claims about the actions of subjects .
29 Once the court is satisfied that there is evidence that D was provoked to lose self-control , it must go on to consider the second requirement : was the provocation enough to make a reasonable man do as D did ?
30 But he 'll go on applying the skills learnt on those days in the Nottingham library to a wider cricketing canvas , and using that cast accumulated knowledge to enlighten others — not least the thousands of schoolchildren who visit Trent Bridge in parties each year : ‘ Last season we had several hundred children through on the day when Derek Randall needed one run to complete his 20,000 for the county — and I made certain they all knew about the landmark .
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