Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] not [be] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 pathetic , it 's gon na freeze up again this afternoon down at Bournemouth , gon na have fish off the pier , go for some bees , but I could n't be bothered but there was nothing , it was too damn cold , it must of been minus five with the wind chill factor
2 Cos I could n't be bothered and I was n't dressed and it would be going all over to south London .
3 I could not be bled and have been dealt more than a hundred blows so that I got a thorough grinding . )
4 I would n't be suprised if he scores nearer 20 than 10 goals by the end of the season .
5 It meant I would n't be perceived as another girl singer — and I could set the look and feel and energy of what I was about . ’
6 It was when he attempted to argue , ‘ I would n't be bothered if I never had another ride in the National , ’ that he began to give himself away .
7 His ca n't be traced because he does n't have a licence for it . ’
8 Always plenty of room I ca n't be bothered cos I 've got to give Foxy his shorts
9 I mean I like dancing and music but I like to have a chat with , I ca n't , I ca n't be bothered if I ca n't chat properly because you ca n't hear yourself
10 In a brief statement Edwards said : ‘ I have told my board colleagues that I will not be rushed and will come to a decision towards the end of the season . ’
11 In a brief statement Edwards said : ‘ I have told my board colleagues that I will not be rushed and will come to a decision towards the end of the season . ’
12 ‘ It 's a big game for me , but I will not be overawed as I 'm not the nervous type .
13 She has from day one showed her disdain for me as one opposed to hypocrisy and her type of esoteric or pseudo intellectuality — being satisfied as I am with intelligence , integrity and interest ( ! ) — and has manifestly made it clear she overtly dislikes me because I wo n't be moulded or do what she wants or tells me — she suffers the matriarch/ bossy syndrome ( childhood nickname I am told was ) and does not like the fact I am utterly my own forthright person who spoils the incestuous sibling smythe-watson quartet which she ‘ ran ’ so self-interestedly for so long …
14 I wo n't be offended if you ca n't make it . ’
15 I know you avoid this sort of thing , so I wo n't be offended if you do n't want to tell me . ’
16 I can not be refuted if I claim that my visual sense-field contains a yellow sense-content , but I can be refuted if I go on to claim that there exists a yellow object that is responsible for my sense-content .
17 Similarly , I can not be refuted if I claim to experience a religious emotion .
18 So you must n't be bruised and disappointed because your impeccable piece is turned down .
19 So she might not be bothered if Louis lost his place to an heir .
20 By a respondent 's notice dated 25 January 1992 the defendant sought that the judgment be affirmed on the additional ground that she was a residential occupier within the meaning of section 27 of the Act of 1988 because her right to remain in occupation was controlled by the Rent Act 1977 so that she could not be evicted except by enforcement of the possession order by a bailiff executing a warrant for possession , whether or not her statutory tenancy had been terminated by the possession order .
21 She could n't be bought and she would n't be forced out of here .
22 If she could n't be found after a meeting people were always instructed " Try the doors " .
23 She could n't be found when social workers called at the family home .
24 Not to sort of well you , you ca n't be blamed because I mean yo , in the innocent you were actually going because of the concert .
25 She would n't be required until the grand finale in the late afternoon , and for that she gave thanks .
26 ‘ So , provided the next urine test is OK , I see no reason why she ca n't be discharged as well , ’ said Lindsey .
27 However well and clearly you speak , you will not be understood if you use unfamiliar words .
28 There are few places in the world were you will not be understood if your conversation depends on words like hotel , dollar , passport , music , menu , steak , cinema or football .
29 You will not be penalised if you are propelled from the area !
30 Attempting to get to grips with all the developments in nursing over the past five years is meat enough for any expert , and you will not be regarded as letting the side down just because you are not familiar with all the latest terminology or research in your clinical specialty .
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