Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] [not/n't] [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What is called the ‘ moral sense ’ is on this account being able to recognize that if , even against my present will , I let myself become aware of how someone in trouble feels , I would be moved to help , and that I ought not to close myself to this awareness .
2 This was obviously not a state of affairs which could continue indefinitely and , although I knew as much at the time , I could n't will myself into sleep .
3 But he kept on talking , and I could n't stop myself from hearing .
4 I used to think that I ought to do everything and then at least I could n't blame myself for not having done enough .
5 It was too late , I could n't prevent myself from eidetiking Mr Broadhurst 's unusual caduceus , the one he had made out of an old TV aerial garnished with flex , and I could n't prevent myself from reading on :
6 It was too late , I could n't prevent myself from eidetiking Mr Broadhurst 's unusual caduceus , the one he had made out of an old TV aerial garnished with flex , and I could n't prevent myself from reading on :
7 We got on very well together and when after only two months with the company my immediate boss — the marketing manager , a sallow individual with a Solihull whine — suffered a perforated ulcer ( I could n't prevent myself from eidetiking this , the wall of his duodenum like a rusty car door , sharp flakes of oxidised tissue spearing into him ) , I got his job .
8 It was n't only that I could n't lift myself off the ground but that I was stuck to it in some way .
9 Once the idea took hold of me I could n't rid myself of it . ’
10 ‘ I 've always wanted to meet you to say something … just to say I 'm sorry , but … but I could n't help meself at the time .
11 I 'd closed my eyes while she was cutting so I could n't see myself in the mirror .
12 When I thought about it clearly I could n't see myself in that role . ’
13 It did n't matter how innovative the products I set out to market actually were , I could not prevent myself from seeing them already in some illimitable bazaar of the far future , long obsolete and hopelessly dated , so much cosmological car-boot-sale fodder .
14 But I could not stop myself from more murder .
15 ( I should point out that I could not bring myself to a Japanese option ! )
16 I could not restrain myself from hastening to view one of those Druid circles , of which there are so many in the Isle of Lewis ; that given in the small vignette is the first one I reached .
17 I was now certain that I could not see myself in any type of residential home in the future .
18 Ellen was emphatic : — I could not take myself to a Foreign Land as you did Lily and never wanted such a thing and though you would be there that alone would in no way satisfy me and I should be afraid .
19 If I had ever loved you , if I loved you still , I could not hate myself for my weakness as much as I do now . ’
20 My other half switched on teletext after about 15 mins and I could nt stop myself from looking … still 2–0 .
21 I would , I would have to be absolutely honest and that and er I would n't exclude myself from that particular er way of thinking because when they moved in , when you got a time for a job , erm for example there was one particular job that I was on erm and I thought that I was doing it reasonable accurately and rapidly , erm and they wanted to introduce a new fixture so that you know , I could do the whole series of faces on it .
22 Look at Carlos Lopes — I would n't compare myself with Lopes , but the fact is that he ran his fastest 10K while he was training for a marathon [ Lopes ran the then second fastest ever 10,000m , with 17:17.48 in July 1984 , just one month before winning the Olympic marathon in a record 2:09.21 ] .
23 I wished that I was less inhibited by my upbringing and could have done some extraordinary thing to confirm her diagnosis — danced on the table or stated that I would n't ally myself with a man with a face like a toothpaste advertisement .
24 I 'm not that er good at it er as far as that 's concerned , I can normally tell , but I would n't class myself as an expert in Capodimonte .
25 But this text clearly belongs to the period after Alexander , though I would not commit myself to a Maccabean date .
26 erm , I , well I ca n't commit myself to going down to that to , I mean if it 's , if I can I 'll give you a ring because with Cherry being off as well it 's , I mean it 's gon na be unfair if I start , cos I 've been so much
27 I ca n't stop myself from laughing and clapping my hands .
28 I sprinted across the open square outside the station , jacket over head , dodging tramcars with split-second , if largely inadvertent , precision , skirted a large puddle , feinted between two parked cars , head-faked a lamppost and two startled elderly shoppers ( once I start running , I ca n't stop myself from pretending I 'm returning a kick-off for the Chicago Bears ; it 's a compulsion — a sort of Tourette 's syndrome of the feet ) .
29 I ca n't hide myself from them .
30 And because , unlike some fathers , I ca n't interest myself in sending a multi-coloured hedgehog spinning around a televisual roller coaster faster than Esther Rantzen changes expression from moronic merriment to Dianesque poor-thing-how-you-must-be-suffering-thank-God-I'm-not solemnity .
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