Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] [vb infin] the first [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I thought it would be up to seven weeks after my back operation before I was playing again , and I feared I might miss the first month of the season . ’
2 I 'll send the first prisoner down to you when they arrive .
3 I 'll skip the first week .
4 As soon as I 've collected my things from the boat I 'll catch the first plane home and — ’
5 ‘ Oh , if only I could win the first prize ! ’ breathed Angela .
6 I could wish the first chance that came her way was n't nursing some poor old woman with a weak chest .
7 Erm because the report is er quite a long report mainly the er part of the report erm I will pick out the most important comments and if I could take the first part of the report first erm this concerns a new staffing structure between er , newly emerged welfare rights and advice service .
8 Erm I think I 'd support the first point that we we 're obviously er all in favour well the County Council is certainly in favour of flexibility in terms of addressing the post two thousand er six scenario .
9 When any seeds arrive from him I will take the first opportunity of sending you a share and in return shall trouble you for some Northern and Welsh plants which I hope we shall make proper conveniency to receive into our Garden in a short time ; for several of those which you were so good as to furnish me with a few years since are lost for want of proper soil and situation , the natural earth of our Garden being too light and dry and the bottom too warm .
10 I WILL by your kinda town ; I WILL host the first leg of this year 's most significant ‘ alternative ’ rock event , and I WILL send my splendid , scrubbed , windswept children to worship at the feet of its various missionaries .
11 I can read the first question , A , spices for cooking
12 Y'know , I can remember the first time I wore them .
13 I can remember the first time I got drunk on Scotch .
14 I can remember the first time I ever
15 I can , I can remember the first drawing , you used to draw a house and you
16 It 's five in the morning and I can hear the first cars swooshing through empty streets .
17 You may find the first year 's bloom on the rootstock pleasantly and surprisingly different to the original bloom on its own roots .
18 For example , if you are consuming lots of cups of coffee or tea , cola drinks , or refined sweet foods , you may find the first week of the diet quite a challenge !
19 You might try the first part .
20 So you do n't actually mention that if you do n't leave now you 'll miss the first act of the play , and he 'll be furious .
21 If you 're playing against the computer you 'll play the first half kicking from left to right , changing ends at half time .
22 At the beginning of each month , you 'll find the first page of each month is a replica of the back of the calendar card .
23 You 'll spend the first couple of hours with ‘ Power Missy ’ trying to work out whether it 's a tease or a threat and then , just when you decide you really ca n't decide whether they 're all Polly Harvey bolshie or Sundays pliant , it may dawn on you that ‘ PM ’ is , in fact , f—ing scary , like playing S&M games with a dangerous schizophrenic .
24 Cos you 'll get the first post then .
25 He 'd just been rather cleverer and more subtle at how he 'd gone about seducing her , even ensuring that she 'd initiate the first moves .
26 You 'd like the first crack ? ’
27 But she prayed to heaven and promised that , should she be spared , she would devote the first fruit of her womb to Christ 's service .
28 One such was the Countess of Portland , who at Carisbrook Castle ‘ declared she would fire the first cannon ’ rather than surrender .
29 BEFORE the Queen hosts the Edinburgh Summit dinner on the Royal Yacht Britannia this evening , she will visit the first exhibition of the European Parliament 's art collection , Twelve Stars .
30 If they have upset you , perhaps they are hoping you will make the first move .
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