Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] [verb] it like [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ROS : A compulsion towards philosophical introspection is his chief characteristic , if I may put it like that .
2 I thought I might do it like that .
3 Cos I saw erm a photo when I was eighteen and I it was sort of short in the neck over my ears short in there and then sort of fuller there and then just a bit of you know a light fringe not a heavy fringe and I thought I might have it like that so
4 So I 'll do it like that .
5 Well I 'll put it like this .
6 Well , I 'll take the microphone off cos I 'll put it like this , down here like this No Caelia , no just leave it alone .
7 So , it 's no good er me looking up in some book Theresa 's dreams if I could decipher it like some kind of code in which every single thing in the laten in the manifest content represented something latent for what we 're trying to then kind of decode as in a code book because er that 's not valid , at least it 's not valid in general terms .
8 If I still was going down I 'd do it like that
9 ‘ That 's a good shot you got there , but , you know , on the next one , I 'd shoot it like this
10 Now I can pass it like any other house .
11 So what we have , if I can paint it like this , is a development programme which does n't just rely on Oxfordshire Social Services putting cash into it , because there are , if we manage this process properly , other people who we can encourage to bring money into Oxfordshire , but the key thing that 'll only do it is if they 're confident that they 're dealing with a competent organization and somebody that they trust and they have some form of credibility .
12 Secondly , I get another dollop of money , if I can put it like this , for Home Care right across the county .
13 so I can bend it , I can bend it like that then ?
14 You you for one , like her , when you went to the caravan , you 'd smell it like that .
15 ‘ Honestly , ’ Charles was saying , after more than an hour of beleaguered explanation , or semi-explanation , ‘ I did n't think you 'd take it like this , old thing , I thought you 'd — well , I thought you 'd be relieved , to tell you the truth .
16 You could draw it like that you could say that this is the the war which cuts in this time of year line shifts up ,
17 So that you could do it like that .
18 So you could try it like this if we had twenty four we could see what happens if you make them into twos ?
19 After this somewhat less than well-chosen remark a momentary glassiness affected Fräulein Müller 's ready smile , but she was quick to recover her poise and said simply , ‘ You could put it like that , I suppose . ’
20 You could put it like that , I suppose .
21 You could put it like that . ’
22 ‘ I never dreamed she would take it like that , ’ whispered Mrs Alderley in a shocked tone .
23 So I knew you would eat it like that in an omelette .
24 How you hold the mallet is really up to you , eh there are many different ways , you can hold it like that , you can hold it down there , up there
25 Panama shoots her a quizzical glance , moves round to a position directly behind Archie 's plunging rear and , saying , ‘ You can do it like this an ’ all , dear , ’ delivers her chunky brogue with astonishing force into Archie 's tight scrotum .
26 ’ I do n't know how you can watch it like that .
27 And you can have it like that if you want .
28 If you can put it like that .
29 Right you can cancel it like this you multi can you multiply fractions ?
30 You got , and you can write it like that when you write it down , a hundred and ten grams divided by twenty eight P equals whatever the number is grams per penny .
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