Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] [verb] the last [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To them must belong the last word .
2 Perhaps I should leave the last word to my son .
3 I 'd like the words when they 're crytalised … since thefirst thing my daughter ( now 19months ) learned to do was the arm movements to ‘ ooh aah Cantona ’ , I suppose I should teach her something new … perhaps I 'll modify the last phrase though ; - )
4 But I 'll go the last step of the way , and ask the last man . ’
5 ‘ Or I 'll miss the last bus .
6 ‘ You may think you 've won , but I 'll have the last laugh .
7 I can do the last bit , ’ she said hastily , exerting a steely self-control .
8 Yes , well just a postscript just to show to my earlier comments , I , I think this undertaking about street lighting will be met with some clarity over wide areas of Suffolk which have never seen a street light , er as far as I can recall the last figures I saw on this suggested that if we were to er carry out all the work that er parish is required it would take forty years to er meet the er thing , so perhaps it would be advisable for , for when this promise is acting on the
9 You may remember the last thing the suede coat did before crashing down the alley was to blast off his sawn-off shotgun and watch us diving to the ground .
10 You should read the last word on this
11 Now in you get or you 'll miss the last crossing . ’
12 Can I just mention that nobody 's read that but you 'll see the last sentence says that whatever you put on that tape the dictionary keep the copyright you see and that 's all right when you 're on conversations , but if you were to read in an and it was a short story , if that 's you know i if they reserve
13 You 'll get the last bop .
14 She 'll have the last word because she has nature on her side . ’
15 Meanwhile she had many friends who took up her cause : memorial concerts were given in Prague and Vienna ; she received a gratuity from the Elector of Cologne ; and the King of Prussia offered to purchase several compositions for 100 ducats each ( including the Requiem which Constanze made sure was ‘ completed ’ by Süssmayr so that she could collect the last instalment of money due from Count Walsegg ) .
16 You 'd think the last occupant went bankrupt and left years ago .
17 In many cases she will have the last word .
18 ‘ I envy you , my son , ’ Two-Dogs had told him yesterday , ‘ you will see the last pictures . ’
19 In new restaurants housed in converted warehouses , you will find the last yuppies on earth chatting happily , clutching Filofaxes and mobile phones , their flashy cars parked outside .
20 She can enjoy the last freedom to be as she is ; her pursuits may seem strange , but after her death it may be discovered that her treasured collection — of old cups , pressed flowers , or newspaper cuttings — is quite priceless .
21 If that is difficult , mimic suprasegmentals first , and then see if the utterance can be divided into several parts so you can mimic the last part first , and then add to it bit by bit .
22 And as Rex and Khai Eng , still thriving in an area which has seen plenty of other vegetarian establishments come and go , get ready to enter their second decade , perhaps we 'll leave the last word to Rex :
23 If we could have erm , a coffee break now until ten past three , and then we 'll enter the last phase on the , on the Covermaster , one of the last areas which is features to benefits .
24 ‘ It is with much regret and not a little sadness that we will witness the last departure of wagons from our sidings later this month .
25 To illustrate , we will reconsider the last example and assume that the individual did not close his position after five days but waited for the last trading day which was the following day .
26 Accordingly , if we calculate p1 , p4 from the trace and determinant of A , we can discard the last equation and substitute for p1 in the remainder , when ( 3 ) reduces to unc Any two of these ( consistent ) equations give p2 , p3 their values in ( 4 ) .
27 If now we postmultiply the ( 3 × 2 ) submatrix of A by I , we can add the last result to it to recover A as the matrix product unc Finally , a matrix of rank 1 can be expressed as the product of a column and a row in that order — for such a matrix has effectively only one independent column , all the other columns being proportional to it ; similarly for the rows .
28 We can take the last equation and use it to calculate the classical force per unit mass due to the cosmological constant .
29 To illustrate , we can take the last example of the five-year bond which is purchased after three years .
30 A quarter of non-executives believed they should have the last word on mergers ( 10% of chief executives agreed ) and a fifth ( compared with 3% of the bosses ) thought they should approve major borrowings and loans .
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