Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] [verb] from [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 She is one of several on whose services I may call from time to time .
2 Well I used to cycle from Gedling to Apsley , me debit was at Apsley and I used to have to cycle from there to Apsley and I used to take bit of food an and bread and cheese and pieces of anything I could pick up in me pocket , and I dare n't come home till I 'd got some business .
3 ‘ A discreet establishment that you may visit from time to time ? ’
4 You 'll go from strength to strength , I know it . ’
5 Gradually , Alison came to question her core beliefs and realised that , in a moment , she could move from despair to inner peace by being loving and forgiving towards herself .
6 The different ages of her life seemed to exist simultaneously , as if she could move from age to age according to how she felt .
7 I think y yo you could blip from month to month er , er as a priority slipped in or changed , or a person slipped out or , or somebody forgot to zero something or y
8 ‘ I know , however , that you will go from strength to strength with your new Chairman and I am confident that you will be extremely successful .
9 To accomplish this , you can go from close-up to a wider view in any one of three ways :
10 Even if you are more or less an appropriate weight to begin with , you can benefit from exercise to tone the muscles .
11 The city is only about two miles long by one mile wide , so you can walk from end to end in less than two hours .
12 You can work from left to right as you prefer .
13 However pissed off we might get from time to time though , we 're going to have to accept that Wilko is at Elland Rd to stay .
14 Obviously we had a few injuries at the start of the season , so hopefully we can go from strength to strength now .
15 If we spot the fish we can cast directly to them with strong tackle and a big bait , or we can move from swim to swim until we find where a big barbel or two are feeding .
16 They may differ from country to country , as may the level of pollution deemed acceptable , but there are common elements which make it possible to distinguish four types of strategies : ( 1 ) air quality management , ( 2 ) emission standards , ( 3 ) economic , and ( 4 ) cost-benefit .
17 Unless the mutation has become established , it is extremely rare for such forms to be found in the wild , although they must occur from time to time .
18 Can you really tell countries like India and China that they should switch from coal to some other , more expensive fuel or spend heavily on cleaning up emissions ?
19 They would range from death to the relatively minor discomfort associated with the absence of chiropody services .
20 They would appear from time to time and taunt the old couple , reminding them of their past lives and the failures or mistakes which had brought them to the castle ( though never detailing them — neither Quiss nor Ajayi knew what the other had done to justify sending them here .
21 Unlike their relatives the gibbons , orangs do not leap , though they can swing from tree to tree , a process known as brachiation .
22 In woodlands they can swing from tree to tree or scramble over the treetops to drop to the forest floor below .
23 In the middle of the medley he 'll go from bass to guitar and I 'll be playing bass pedals when he 's swapping ! ’
24 He might visit from time to time should a story miserable enough to write about crop up , but there was no way he was going to edit the paper from there .
25 He had handled many issues with skill and public spirit and good feeling , but he had no publicly recognized parcel of achievement which he could open from time to time and contemplate with satisfaction .
26 In the security of the castle , run under the English training of Lady Macleod , and as long as he could potter from room to room , with the occasional short foray out beneath the weather , Johnson relaxed , and flexed his muscles for his hosts and the other guests who called to see him .
27 He could go from bed to window and table , to cupboard and door and fire and wash-handbasin , but only by certain routes .
28 The touch of genius that he could evince from moment to moment , if he was exercising self-control , distinguished him from other politicians on both sides of the House .
29 I do n't know if chemically he 'd change from day to day or if his stars were n't right , or maybe that was the game that he played .
30 He used to cycle from village to village visiting farms to inspect the animals , then on market days he would try to conclude deals between the farmers .
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