Example sentences of "[pers pn] [subord] i [verb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Yes and there If I If I pull up a bit and back out there .
2 You 'd kill me if I blew up the school ?
3 ‘ Neither have I any time to waste , so you must excuse me if I cut out the preliminaries . ’
4 And er it was lovely and we were enjoying it until I pulled out the whole chicken 's head .
5 Rickie was literally dancing in circles around me as I walked down the dock towards his sister , but then he paused in his frenetic progress to light one cigarette from the stump of another , and I wondered just what perverted fate decreed that such a boy should receive a legacy of six million dollars .
6 It was this image that accompanied me as I walked down the rue de Fleuve , stopping for a final coup d'oeil at the squat church crouching on its gravel ground .
7 I blame the fact that a crow chose to hover below me as I scrambled up a tricky bit of path , made more perilous by loose shifting gravel .
8 An' if you mus ' know I like wearin' nice clothes an' I like the way boys look at me when I go down the schtreet an' I like to look sexy an' I like lipstick an' showin' meself off an' all that I enjoy it .
9 The student chooses their own subject ; most of these subjects are right on the fringes of the course , or overlap several different courses , and what surprised me when I sent round a questionnaire was how much the students said they enjoyed essay-writing .
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