Example sentences of "[pers pn] [det] [verb] in [art] same " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I gathered that much , you both working in the same building and everything . ’
2 We all slept in the same bed , and it was so cosy .
3 I might add that this is not an attempt to get publicity as there are only three NME readers in this town — and we all play in the same band !
4 Says Steve of former Laugh In star Goldie : ‘ We both started in the same place , on television .
5 Recognising that a lot of women are taking to the hills , and that they may feel a little intimidated by such a male-orientated sport , especially since they all dress in the same fluffy things as us now , I have come up with a startling new innovation .
6 Nor do they all function in the same way .
7 Because all snail genes have an equal stake in every sperm and every egg , because they all participate in the same unpartisan meiosis , they work together for the common good , and therefore tend to make the snail body a coherent , purposeful vehicle .
8 Because these three associated religions appear to have in common the belief in one transcendent personal creator , it is often assumed that they all believe in the same God .
9 They all started in the same place as the Beatles … the Cavern Club in Liverpool .
10 But before that , ‘ unfortunately , their domestic life was n't very happy and there was a period in their lives when they both lived in the same house but did n't speak to one another .
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