Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] over [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 1 Peel the pears and rub them all over with the cut side of the lemon .
2 My charm wins them all over in the end .
3 After enquiring about her journey and whether the hotel was comfortable , he said abruptly , ‘ I have another appointment shortly , so it might be best to take you straight over to the palazzo , where you will be working . ’
4 Mrs Hollidaye was not her next-of-kin so she was n't allowed to take Dot further than the main entrance where she handed her briskly over to the care of a nurse .
5 The university teacher in Britain , thinking of producing a tape-slide sequence to explain a particular concept or process to his students , may well need only to consider , with a production assistant , the learning objectives , the structure of the process to be considered , the best ways to exemplify this in the photographs to be taken , the graphics to design , and the commentary to write , and then turn it all over to the producer to put into effect , with his guidelines and help .
6 Can he rise again , or is it all over for the Moses who led the Labour Party out of the wilderness , asks James Langton
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