Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] as [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She watched them suspiciously as they plodded through the soft , dry sand all churned-up with trippers ’ footprints .
2 Lili watched me thoughtfully as I put on my skirt and blouse .
3 Spectacular scientific advances have come from them just as they have from other institutions .
4 So they traded them just as we traded with the wool and we 're talking twelfth century thirteenth century , fourteenth century .
5 Some will actually feel that they are inside the body of the former self , and that everything is going on around them just as it does in ordinary life .
6 We bring them before you now as we reflect on our Mother , Mary , who suffered as other mothers suffer , a mother faced with hardship , a refugee , a woman of sorrows .
7 Whatever the meaning for those twelve disciples on that short mission ( and the Spirit may well have come upon them temporarily as he did upon the Old Testament of God to equip them for a special purpose ) , it is hard to mistake the shadow this event casts towards the time of the Church , when men sent out by Jesus ( ‘ sent one' is the root meaning of the word ‘ apostle ’ ) would be equipped by the Spirit given them by Jesus , for carrying out Jesus ' own mission in the world .
8 What was unusual in this case was that even in his great excitement he still carried the photographs of Koko and pointed to them repeatedly as he looked toward the teacher , who nodded and said ‘ Yes ’ to Sherman .
9 Brushing past the tall ferns , she noticed that the halo of flies buzzing around her head had increased , and she swatted them angrily as they landed on her face and arms .
10 The young women of the hareem , her foster sisters , cousins and young aunts scurried around her much as they do in any society , running errands , advising , gossiping .
11 She learned among many other things that Felicity had known Peter 's first wife quite well and admired her desperately as she struggled with her increasing disability and urged her husband to live as freely as he could .
12 She had told him once as they lay at peace in bed that the sleep after childbirth , an unconsciousness that might only last a split second , was the most complete sleep she had ever known and when you woke from it you felt you had been elsewhere for a hundred years .
13 He saw Mary , standing by the doorway , looking at him directly as he rode towards her , unflinching in her look at this stranger whose jingling tackle whinnied against the soft crush of the accustomed evening sounds of the valley , the sun behind him and he , as he drew near , as intent on her .
14 ‘ The first Svend knew that there was a search on for Suzie and himself was when my agent arrived at the house earlier this evening , ’ Rune told her calmly as he sorted through a small pile of leaflets .
15 My wife was of no service at all in the crisis and I could only look up at her reproachfully as she leaned against the doorpost dabbing at her eyes .
16 Robyn watched him cautiously as he bent to the fridge .
17 Amabel smiled at her now as she sat by Gemma 's bedside tranquilly embroidering a cambric handkerchief , patient and beautiful as an angel and so terribly wronged .
18 She stared after him mutinously as he went from the room , willing him to bump his head as he went through the door , but to her disappointment Dr Penry Vaughan ducked his tall head with the grace and dexterity of long practice .
19 She snuggled down and began to drift to sleep , memories of Alain holding her here as she wept on that first day , memories of him bringing her up to bed after he had kissed her in the kitchen , fluttering like moths in the light , easing her into sleep .
20 " Irish , " she said at once , surprising him again as he left on his mission .
21 He fell gored through the abdomen , and the bull attacked " him again as he writhed in agony on the ground .
22 Leonora stared at him blankly as he went into the kitchen , wondering what she 'd done to incur his displeasure again .
23 She stood to dry his shoulders and his hair , her body brushing against his , her breasts and thighs touching him lightly as she moved about him .
24 The strain in his voice made her realise how much he still held his emotions on a tight rein and his dark eyes roamed over her hungrily as he undressed in the soft lamplight .
25 No-one said much to me at tea , although I caught them looking at me sometimes as they sipped at their mugs .
26 He chuckled and looked at me assessingly as I stood in his doorway .
27 I suppose I was kicking over the traces a bit and parental authority seemed as irksome to me then as it does to teenagers today .
28 As Wright challenged the goalkeeper for the dropped ball , however , Nelson recovered to kick it clear as he fell to the ground .
29 He was playing with it impatiently as he listened to the old man .
30 She held an ebony flute with silver keys on her lap and she caressed it absently as she listened to Francie .
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