Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [verb] an [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But I already have an assault charge hanging over me , so in the end I had to leave it to the stewards .
2 I once watched an osprey fishing in the loch .
3 I usually get an alarm call
4 Like your regular contributor Steve Boxer , I also have an Epson PC .
5 For the lead I also have an Ibanez Tube Screamer .
6 I also have an envelope tray for my LaserJet but can not find out how to get Word for Windows to send the right control code to the LaserJet III to set the envelope size .
7 I nearly said an L B
8 The arrangements would be made and er oh well I never saw an oak coffin but we you 'd hear
9 I recently shot an advertising campaign for Levi 's in San Francisco .
10 I recently purchased an Ibanez Blazer series guitar .
11 I recently read an assessment report which stated , ‘ Her mother seems to have disappeared and has n't been heard of for six months .
12 She eventually located an Immigration officer who led her through several corridors until they reached a locked red-painted door at the back of the airport building .
13 She only needed an evening gown like the one Dana wore in the magazine picture and no one would believe there were two of them .
14 Your decision here will obviously depend to some extent on whether you already have an aircraft radio and just how much you are prepared to spend on your first model .
15 I saw that she still wore an engagement ring , but she told me very quickly that her fiancé had been a bomber pilot and he was dead , and it was not the same man she had been engaged to when she joined up .
16 When she remembered , she also took an evening primrose oil supplement specially formulated for PMS .
17 She also became an expert hockey player and was selected to represent England against Ireland in 1899 and 1900 .
18 She has no power of speech remaining to her , she also has an Acorn computer and types very many letters on it .
19 It 's different but erm if you really get an Orkney talker just talking to one another and er drawing out the words sometimes and so on it can get to be the same lilt as Welsh .
20 POLICE have urged party-goers who were with Cadbury 's Flake model Rachel Brown on the night she unwittingly took an Ecstasy tablet to come forward .
21 When you initially approach an Alexander teacher , make sure that he or she has undergone a teachers ' training course that is recommended by The Society of Alexander Teachers ( STAT ) .
22 and what they wanted was the easiest ones and they came up with the answer economics Gerald simply , we Ge Gerry and I put our heads together and went bib bib bib bib bib , you know as good parents do and we both presented him with a fait accompli you either take an engineering degree , we do n't care what sort or you go out to work in a bank because economics you will not get a first because you are not reader and t to get a first in economics , which is what you 'll need if you 're gon na make any money out of it
23 Now in those days you never got an album deal from a record company unless you had a hit single , but I made up my mind that the sort of stuff he had would make a very good album , so I went to Decca with that view in mind , trying to get an album deal , and did get a deal for him .
24 If reading Alison 's story sets off alarm bells in your head about whether you too have an exercise obsession , or perhaps have a friend or sister who does , then turn to ‘ Obsessions : Where to get help ’ .
25 Have you actually did an opinion poll ?
26 And all this started with you actually putting an undergraduate student on the project ?
27 W , writes from : YOU recently published an Inspector Morse story about a nine year old Metro car which took only unleaded petrol .
28 We might even decide we just want an effluent channel .
29 We already have an inflation rate of about five per cent and it is projected to go higher yet this year .
30 We still needed an extension pipe , which was trimmed to length to reach the drain and fitted in the same manner .
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