Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [verb] at that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Whilst we 're er whilst we 're waiting for her can I just look at that book please ?
2 I also realised at that time that the future had little meaning for me .
3 If that is so , I would then say that by the time you get to the modification stage and the County Council has published a proposal for the general location , I therefore think at that stage the need for the criterion has disappeared , so it may be that the approved policy will not need to contain such criteria .
4 Martin said , ‘ Will you just look at that child ? ’
5 You usually look at that person , and when you coming to the end of your your your speel , you sort of look at the one person .
6 Again marketing budget at two , six , seven , the point made there again , numbered item one in the bottom third no national advertising and then two sixty eight , this is a meeting of the twenty fifth of February nineteen eighty eight , present including Mr and yourself today I send that 's Mr pointed out that so far our reaction to the recent media criticism had been totally defensive in future these actions to be defended , but then attacked in order to regain our credibility were you indeed present at that meeting of the twenty fifth of erm February ?
7 If we just look at that system and the hierarchy of documentation that forms the system , hopefully things will start to gel with you with regard to the management procedures .
8 Two or three months prior to the Dams Raid , when the new squadron was being formed in the spring of 1943 , ground crew personnel from all over Bomber Command were selected and sent to Scampton , the best men at their respective jobs , for what they only knew at that time was going to be one special operation .
9 They then look at that figure , break it down into separate realistic amounts achievable in various ways and set up the systems that are going to raise that cash .
10 The number who cited defence as ‘ extremely important ’ for their voting decision rose from 42 per cent at the start to only 49 per cent in the third week and then it also stabilized at that level .
11 He also decided at that moment , to his own amazement , that somehow , some time , he would have her as his wife .
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