Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [verb] on in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Do you mind if I just go on in the way I 'm used to ? ’
2 And now a shabby mischance had destroyed it , knocked down the precarious walls of my prison , I still sat on in the wreckage and kept my eyes closed , safe behind broken bars .
3 I then went on in the proper sequence to the pitch control : " And this reduces the pitch . "
4 Well they just struggle on in the Wintertime
5 I heard it certainly I heard it just going on in the car .
6 Lawler moved away from the wall and immediately stubbed his toe against a heavy cast-iron ornament that had been placed out of the way while the small oval table it normally stood on in the lobby was being repaired .
7 He just came on in the same purposeful manner and Maggie backed away , a little alarmed and suddenly remembering why she was here .
8 He said he just carried on in the same direction .
9 Lucy said , with a sharpness that seemed to surprise both of them , and he quickly stumbled on in an attempt to limit the damage .
10 Now he then comes on in the second part of the report to look at the fourteen great achievements and I mean two things A what are those achievements and do those achievements back up and support these kinds of very general maybe propaganda kind of stances that Mao is taking up in the first part of this report .
11 It sometimes comes on in the open air .
12 The Great Western pioneered the idea but it never caught on in the rest of the country .
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