Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] out that a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Later I found out that a standby wife had got halfway down the aisle before turning back , remorseful at abandoning her husband , leaving one empty seat — my seat , I brooded , as I waited for the next flight . )
2 I pointed out that a certain amount of intimacy was inevitable when you work so closely with someone .
3 We were very upset when we found out that a dual carriageway might be built in the fields past the wild duck pond behind our home .
4 In our discussion on accountability in public sector organisations in Chapter 2 we pointed out that a principal focus of processes of accountability was finance .
5 Perhaps he was n't as completely convinced as he made out that a lost boy , however bright and confident , could not have ended in the Comer .
6 It turned out that a mathematically-respectable ‘ electroweak ’ theory required three exchange particles for the weak force : two electrically charged particles , W+ and W- , and a third neutral partner which has become known as the Zo .
7 He pointed out that a cubic metre of air over the affected forests had been found to contain 400 mainly unknown but man-made organic compounds .
8 Commenting on the many questions asked he pointed out that a literal understanding of what was said in the O.T .
9 Hector Charlesworth broadcast a Dominion Day speech , in both English and French , in which he pointed out that a famous French writer had said that ‘ A man with two languages is a man with two souls ’ and he felt that if LaRochfoucauld could make such a statement it might well be embraced by all true Canadians .
10 He pointed out that a young officer 's life had been tragically taken while doing his duty , protecting others .
11 He pointed out that a government-funded voluntary organisation , the Inverclyde Home Safety Group , was providing smoke alarms in some of the district 's more deprived areas .
12 It pointed out that a recent packaging industry report on the packaging of liquids for human consumption had revealed a marked increase in the amount of energy and waste involved in the period 1986-90 .
13 It pointed out that a prolonged period of profits growth at ISC had ended because of insistence by the auditors that ISC adopt more conservative accounting policies on long term contracts .
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