Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [conj] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Filmer 's neck muscles slowly relaxed , and I realized that for a moment he must have suspected that the scene had been specifically aimed at him .
2 India in those days ( round about 1963 ) was much in the air and I found that as a background it decidedly fired my imagination .
3 I wandered as in a dream through the gate and across the road .
4 I forgot that for a while during the '80s but I 'm back now , ’ Starr said .
5 I walked as in a nightmare , aware of nothing but the few yards of tarmac ahead and stopping every few yards .
6 I felt that as a Minister of the Eucharist I am privileged to accompany Our Lord to my fellow pilgrims , particularly those who are sick or bereaved in one way or another .
7 I improved because of a lot of practice , ’ said Geoff .
8 ‘ I was really impressed by what I saw and as a result started learning about magic when I got back to London , ’ he recalls .
9 Gangs of men were at work trying to rescue the contents of the burning shacks , going from one to another , putting out the fires ; or so I thought till with a shock it came to me that these were no rescuers but incendiaries , that the battle I saw them waging was not with the flames but with the rain .
10 I say in interesting , if you built that in a model , people would n't believe you .
11 I remember in my young days — ’ She stopped and for a moment they sat quietly , both thinking of past Christmases when their parents and grandparents had been alive .
12 She phrased that as a question , out of respect for etiquette .
13 She knew that as a Deacon she was still an uncommon enough phenomenon in the Church to evoke curiosity .
14 She knew that in a couple of days ' time Boyd 's promotion would be announced by his company in the newspaper , underneath a studio portrait of him , and she held her head high as she swayed gracefully into the living-room .
15 In your letter you present the fact that yourself and the Deputy Director have opted for an increase based on the Grade 1 salary and presumably you saw that as a gesture of good will or a concession to our demands .
16 When her husband began to sing a little , snapping his fingers in rhythm , she smiled and for a moment looked like a young girl again ; but the barman came immediately and reminded them that singing was not permitted .
17 One RUC officer said : ‘ If you wrote that into a play or novel , people would n't believe it , but it actually happened .
18 And we found that over a period of , oh about a couple of months , the same people almost used to come round .
19 We watched that for a bit , then took the first tube of the day round to a friend 's place for a while .
20 They realised that with a car slowly sinking into the marsh there was not a minute to spare .
21 They moved as in a dance .
22 And they converted that into a school infant 's school
23 They looked like anatomies of death , they spake like ghosts crying out of their graves , they did eat dead carrions , happy where they could find them , yea , and one another soon after , insomuch as the very carcasses they spared not to scrape out of their graves , and if they found a plot of water cress or shamrocks , there they flocked as to a feast for the time , yet not able long to continue therewithal , that in short space there were none almost left , and a most populous and plentiful country suddenly left void of man or beast .
24 But he realised that for a man like Lancaster — trusting and timid — the betrayal would have been much , much worse .
25 He beamed and in a while went on , ‘ Except for the engineers , the same crew will stay with the train to Vancouver ! ’
26 His Lordship reached that decision without enthusiasm because it seemed that as a matter of common sense , notice should be given in such circumstances before criminal proceedings were launched .
27 It seemed that in a school where he was in such a minority , his language and ethnicity had been defined as particular problems requiring the rather Draconian solution of Statementing .
28 Wexford waited patiently , for he guessed that for a moment the man was totally unable to speak .
29 It showed that by a ratio of 2 : 1 the electorate preferred to have my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister in charge of the policy than the Leader of the Opposition .
30 He discovered that as a girl she had had a passion for Stendhal , so had he , and they talked about Julien Sorel and Tolstoi and Rimbaud .
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