Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [adv] up to the " in BNC.

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1 I wandered back up to the station concourse .
2 Silently , I climbed back up to the road and lay in the long grass to watch what happened .
3 Davis and I climbed back up to the road together .
4 I went quietly up to the door and looked inside .
5 I went back up to the wood .
6 So I went back up to the party to see if she 'd come upstairs again .
7 Well I went back up to the first one and I said you need three one hundred and twenties to get to three hundred and sixty so
8 I trod carefully up to the most important-looking window , and peered in .
9 Lesley turned smartly left as the lights changed , and wound her way by back-streets to the parking-ground on the edge of the shopping centre , a multi-storey monstrosity of raw concrete , at which she gazed with resigned distaste as she crept slowly up to the barrier and drove in to the second tier .
10 So Mary said she , she came back up to the , a little while ago she said she did n't get do something
11 At a quarter to eleven she galloped back up to the attic room .
12 She walked right up to the front of the altar and stood still beside Mike .
13 She walked quickly up to the front door , opened it , turned and waved .
14 Clipboard in hand , she strode purposefully up to the doors .
15 With the piece of toast in her hand she went right up to the window and pushed it further open .
16 Instead of getting out at her own floor she went on up to the fourth floor , and stood in front of Matthew Prescott 's front door .
17 She went boldly up to the door and let the huge brass knocker fall with a thud .
18 She ran off up to the house , and managed to get to her room before anyone saw her .
19 Then after they crossed the Rhine , we moved away up to the north Holland about .
20 Yes , we went round up to the manor house
21 We went quietly up to the top floor , where he unlocked one of the small black doors .
22 The door closed behind them and they crept quietly up to the top floor in order not to wake the sleeping boys downstairs .
23 Arrangements were further complicated by the arrival of an orthodox Bachad group who demanded a separate kosher kitchen all of their own , which they maintained right up to the time of their departure to Gwrych Castle at the outbreak of war .
24 And on the morrow they began to attack the city , and they fought against it three days strenuously ; and the Moors received great loss , for they came blindly up to the walls and were slain there .
25 Returning to the Hilton , they went straight up to the suite .
26 He rode straight up to the gateway of the monastery , not daring to stop for second thoughts , and said to the first monk he saw , ‘ Can you read and write ? ’
27 He came right up to the desk , towering over her , despite the solid barrier of wood .
28 He came straight up to the open window and smiled .
29 It was even more frightening than the chugging , and it came right up to the shelter door .
30 He climbed back up to the road and walked on .
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