Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [pron] about [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And I told them about this job I 'd done here .
2 do you remember when I told you about that baby on the maternity ward
3 When I got back ooh you know I told you about that job ?
4 Erm I told you about that chap Michael Bell who wrote to me about using my book as play , I 'll read you his letter some other week .
5 Now , if I told you about those years , you 'd have a story to write !
6 I heard something about this chap disappearing when I was here at the weekend .
7 I knew nothing about that deal until I played some recent demos of the things that eventually became ‘ Workbook ’ .
8 I knew nothing about any will , I knew nothing about my sister 's having consulted you .
9 Right so , David I reminded you about that letter , when are you gon na bring it
10 Well , I tried to turn it into a joke — not a very good one , I admit — but I said something about that party game called consequences , you know where everyone writes down innocent things that get strung together because nobody knows what the others have written and it gets all mixed up so you get a silly story with a stupid ending .
11 Er , and if I said it about any television programme you had watched .
12 Tess , when you told me about that child of ours , my feelings for you became strong again .
13 Hm I 'm glad you told me about that Lorna
14 You told me about that disaster .
15 It was there she told me about this sister and showed me her hand .
16 When she told us about this visit , she hoped it would be centred around a seminar , funded by the Romanian government , at which tutors would be trained to teach machine knitting to young people whose chances of employment near their own homes were otherwise remote .
17 That 's why you heard me about this morning !
18 She loved everything about this man , and when he took her she tried to stifle the cry of pain .
19 She knew nothing about any document she was to sign until it was brought to her by her husband .
20 Aha That 's right , it would be somebody of one rung down perhaps from and half a rung down from if you can put that in context I mean is an absolute beginner she knew nothing about this business two and a half years ago
21 Also they asked him about some people rating him better than Best .
22 And I cos I was amazed they told me about this salt rubbish !
23 The police probably knew everything ; it was only a matter of time now before they challenged her about that sample of nail polish .
24 And they said something about this woman a neighbour said oh where the hell 's Jimmy or something today ?
25 When I next saw the King , he asked me about this experience .
26 He told me about this condition quite openly , including the impulse to throw himself over cliffs etc .
27 and then we started speaking to this chap and say we were looking for this place where the erm , they sell all this food and so on , what 's the name of the place , he said oh he says it 's finished , so he said you know where the er , we said er where 's somewhere good you know to , to go and have a nice sleep , and he told us about that place up the mountain where we went , where we all went the last time
28 He messed us about this weekend did n't he ?
29 yeah well you know it 's okay well you know I well you know yeah it 's just that it worried me about this meeting here and three people out of the five people in the room did n't realise that it was a reservations and booking service .
30 At that time he had been able to write to Lanfranc to ask if he remembered anything about these transactions .
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