Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] [noun sg] for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A few months later the Oxfordshire Education Committee responded to 10/65 by appointing me as co-ordinator for the Banbury reorganization , and commissioned me to submit plans : the noisy sewage pump had done its work .
2 But looking back I think of them as compensation for the rest of me life before , and what 's to come …
3 But when they were switched on they blew the main fuses , which deprived them of lighting for the day and taught them why they had to rely on coal fires .
4 Are you off duty for the day now ? ’
5 • Look great in that dress — fast-working exercises to get you into shape for the party season
6 Television 's most famous bear and star of the longest running children 's show in the world SOOTY , with his pals SWEEP & SOO and Ringmaster MATTHEW CORBETT , invite you to roll-up for the Circus and get ready to laugh and be amazed .
7 No time was lost putting them into service for the season , still in the L.U.T. livery , which was similar to Blackpool 's .
8 Kings led them into battle for the land ( e.g. 2 Kings 8 ) and prophets pointed them to a righteousness that would bring them to a new highway , a land where mountains would be levelled , rough places smoothed ( Is. 40.4 ) , and the Prince of Peace would establish his kingdom .
9 — and she has me in mind for the part of Komarovsky . ’
10 She also wanted to save them from slaughter for the sum of two hundred pounds .
11 The condition may be upheld if the plaintiff had previously disclosed his reports or offered to disclose them in exchange for the defendant 's reports ( Clarke v Martlew [ 1973 ] QB 58 ) but even that is in doubt since Megarity v DJ Ryan & Sons Ltd [ 1980 ] 2 All ER 832 in which it was said that the plaintiff can not make it a condition precedent to granting a medical examination that the defendant must produce the ensuing report , since to do so would pre-empt the court 's power to give directions as to expert evidence .
12 You 'll have them in time for the competition perhaps . ’
13 I was enormously impressed by a recent Thorofon CD of the four-art Fantasias for viols ( ) , and so I was delighted to see six-part works follow them in time for the quatercentenary of Jenkins 's birth this years .
14 So I boiled them in pan for the dog and I put some taters in and a few peas and carrots sort of thing and some Oxos and made him a r a right good dinner .
15 The ambitious Hall , famed cup specialists , are still involved in both the Rothmans and the Welsh Knockout Cups and need the talents of County choice Peers to keep them on track for the double .
16 By itself it does n't prove a thing , but it 's my way of getting them to take me to Strathspeld for the funeral ; I can look McDunn in the eye and tell him the truth and he knows it 's the truth and he 'll take me .
17 And sometimes , leaving his office , he would close his door in such a way that there seemed to be something or someone intriguing behind it , as Richard Miller noticed when he went to talk to him about banking for the contras ; it was deliberately stage-like , impressive .
18 The Independent of Aug. 27 reported that Bhutto also faced a murder charge : a writ filed on Aug. 25 by members of the Muhajir community ( descendants of Urdu-speaking immigrants ) accused her of responsibility for the death of several people during an incident on May 26 when police opened fire on a crowd in Hyderabad , Sind [ see p. 37452 ] .
19 She was far from being so , and I always remember her with affection for the way she enlivened my drama classes .
20 She was frightened and depressed when they took her into hospital for the operation on December 22 , but she was fit enough to go home on Christmas Day .
21 The old man was delighted with the packet of cigarettes Sid had given him in exchange for the cider .
22 Still an urge to hit out compelled her , a need to try and hurt him in retaliation for the pain he dealt her with his unhidden contempt .
23 I would be more than thankful and hopeful that I may have helped him in return for the inspiration he has given me .
24 It was believed that the latter group had agreed to support him in return for the promise of positions on congressional committees .
25 We ate the biscuits and cake , and smoked his cigarettes , trying to swap things with him in return for the photo of his girlfriend .
26 Despite continuing reservations concerning " character " issues — throughout the campaign Clinton had been assailed over various aspects of his private life and judgment — there was evidence throughout April that many senior Democrats had accepted the inevitability of his nomination and had begun closing ranks around him in preparation for the campaign against Bush .
27 During his period at Newcastle and later in his career when he briefly played for Grimsby Town , Gallacher was known to drink with fans in pubs near the ground , and on more than one occasion a search party had to be sent to get him in time for the kick-off .
28 Burghley Park became his study and there he formulated his religious ideas which were to alienate him from society for the rest of his life .
29 A scrawny nationalist in tattered jeans tried to grill him on independence for the benefit of the cameras and a woman in Capaldi 's fish caravan threatened to slap him round the face with one of her fish if he broke any election promises .
30 Then Wally Watmough had called Frankie 's mam a gypsy-woman and his dad a little black man , and the smaller boy , enraged , had attacked him without thought for the consequences .
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