Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] [noun] [conj] you [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 They 'd come and ask you for advice and you 'd tell them and help them all you could .
2 We have reasonable grounds for detaining you on suspicion unless you can satisfy us that you had no part in the shooting . ’
3 Say thank you to Pauline or you ca n't
4 The duties of the post are those described to you at interview and you will be responsible for the efficient discharge of your duties
5 The duties of the post are those described to you at interview and you will be responsible for the efficient discharge of your duties
6 So I mean I think it 'd great Guide Friday you run around little flag in the air , I 've seen them in London and you can do that and and and people get so fit .
7 It really is advisable to get supports like these in place as soon as possible before the plants put on much growth — this way you 'll avoid too much root injury when putting them in position and you 'll ensure they 're properly sited without breaking developing stems .
8 Or are you hoping to keep her in ignorance so you can go back to her when you get tired of me and start wanting to respect yourself again ?
9 We are not making a documentary — get him on side if you can .
10 and you 're calling it for ages but you ca n't go near it cos it will run away and it goes like this to you , it goes
11 Do n't do it for Friday cos you 'll be out .
12 On 2 May 1839 Prince wrote to Gould in Australia warning him of Swainson 's impending visit : ‘ Mr. Yarrell has just called and requested me to tell you that Mr Swainson is going to Australia whether to collect or to settle is not known at present but he considered it of importance that you should know it as quickly as possible not that either he or I think it can in any way affect you as you have so good a start and his wonted and well known irregularity of publication will surely militate against him . ’
13 Right , any time you read a story , whether it be religious or science fiction , or whatever , in which somebody is taken out of one body and put into another body erm and the story goes , and then was turned into a pig , or whatever , erm , presumably that author has it in mind that you can still identify , that same guy , first in one body and then in the body of a pig .
14 It 's very thorough , and if you are not producing the goods on the field you have to do it in training or you 'd be out .
15 He wraps it in balls if you 'll pardon the expression and puts it in M+M packets .
16 A reminder to you if you 're listening to the programme this morning and er you are concerned about the creation of this tip at the Gascoigne Wood mine in Selby that you can call us and put your question to York six four one six four one is the number to call .
17 Do that , do that on sixty five divide by one hundred and eighty , multiply by the pi on your calculator , just one second Robin , yeah , it 's usually , it 's just theatrical , you should get , yeah , so you get the same answer , so you can either work it on ratings or you can write it like that , you could 've actually left it like that , if you come to the third by , you put thirteen over what is it ? eh
18 You can either do it per pound or you can do a total amount in the end
19 We cleared it at night but you could see the spray smashing up against the cliffs — it was a pretty narrow escape .
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