Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] [noun prp] have [be] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 I tried to look pleased when she told me that Prentice had been ringing at half-hourly intervals since mid-afternoon and had left a multiple-choice list of numbers where I could get him that evening .
2 She and Jake had been driving back to Lomond View after accompanying Kirsty back to school when Jake had swivelled round in his seat to inform her ,
3 She and Implexion had been conducting a casual affair for years ; she knew him better than anyone .
4 Everyone knew she and Ryan had been living together , and it was easy to jump to the wrong conclusions .
5 And thus , when her father 's ghastly illness had first been diagnosed , and had then continued on its remorseless path , she 'd only discovered — when it was far too late — that she and Ross had been growing steadily and disastrously apart .
6 She and Sarah had been sitting under the balcony and when the warning was given they moved forward but continued to enjoy the film in which John McCormack sang Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms and The Dawning of the Day .
7 She and Jeremy had been seeing each other fairly regularly , but he was an investment banker and they were both so hectically involved in their jobs that they 'd opted for casual , no-strings dating almost by mutual consent .
8 He was sprawled in an armchair opposite and the expression on his face clearly told her that he knew exactly what she and Jennifer had been discussing .
9 She and Brian had been meaning to explore the area at weekends , but there had always seemed so much else to do .
10 She and Jack had been swimming in the Thames near Twickenham .
11 But she and Hilda have been living together for years . ’
12 ‘ We all know what you and Godolphin have been doing .
13 Siward said , ‘ I 'd be a fool if I did , seeing that you and Alfgar have been cultivating each other for thirty years .
14 It had never occurred to her that Christopher had been thinking of these things too .
15 Fun ‘ N Games , who finished third to Tartan Tyrant at Ayr , could get into it and Carton has been running well enough lately to merit an interest .
16 And then , after he and Owen had been talking for some while , he crooked his finger and called over the boy who had seen
17 He had had only one more year to serve before he could have retired into civilian life , and both he and Isobel had been looking forward to this .
18 He and Henry had been going all their grown-up lives to the British Transport Museum in Clapham , running their fingers over the polished wheels , regretting the end of brass fitments , and taking in the beauty of the fish-net luggage racks .
19 Kalchu reached over to where he and Hārkini had been squabbling , picked him up by both elbows and pulled him on to his lap .
20 oh he sucked his biscuit before , that 's right , I put it in the bin did n't I ? and I said to you do n't eat it because Richard 's been sucking it , lift your foot up please let's have your shoe back on again
21 But as it was no longer where she had left it , then it must have done , unless someone had shot into Rose Cottage and stolen it while Cassie had been sitting on the loo .
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