Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] [pers pn] [vb past] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Luckily Wolves did n't last night … and Town keep Fraser Digby had springs in his as he pulled off the save of the game …
2 You 'd kill me if I blew up the school ?
3 You kept them and you smashed up the kiosk .
4 There were no lavatories on the station , or only filthy ones , so she and I chased down the line and out to the fields every ten minutes or so — poor Mig , she was so good and patient .
5 Cos we but we did n't the last one ?
6 She knew nothing of the future other than that it was an inhospitable fog that no-one had any choice but to enter , but she was certain that there was a scene all laid-out and waiting for her where she brought in the name of the man — or woman — who 'd first talked to Chrissie and then run her down .
7 Yet , while she was finding him most difficult to forget , the realisation only then struck her that she knew neither the name of the garage that housed her car , nor the place where it was situated !
8 After they ordered , Wickham toyed with a table knife and told her that he knew where the ones which had been sent to her and Tavett had come from .
9 Ginny twisted towards him and they slid down the bed .
10 He did not see any sign of the runaway animals but later on that night the local policeman called on him and he took over the task of keeping a look out .
11 She felt rage flood through her and she fought down the impulse to scream — that was just what he was waiting for .
12 The job grew daily more loathsome to her and she understood now the defiant wretchedness which had been devouring Rose when they first met .
13 Jinny was paralysed until Keith prodded her and she choked out the first words .
14 She shifted yet further away when he turned around to face her and she saw where the course of the chain originated from .
15 I wound down the window and asked him if he knew where the dolmen was .
16 One of the prison warders , he said , had asked him if he knew when the men were to be released .
17 He also described a call he had made later to his friend Hartmut Mayer of the BKA asking him if he knew how the bomb had been put aboard Flight 103 .
18 The fact gnawed at him , haunting him while he cleaned out the sitting-room fire or made tea or used the Electrolux .
19 As she stared down at him while he cleared up the mess , she wondered why she felt so outmanoeuvred .
20 If nothing else , he 'd want some sort of come-back if we cheated him after he handed over the money . ’
21 Kathleen had always rushed for the post , even in the days when their father had laughed at her eagerness and stood above her as she scooped up the white and brown envelopes .
22 Lucien watched her as she gathered up the sticks .
23 The durable li'l lady from Nashville who began her recording career when she was just 11 years old proved age had not mellowed her as she belted out the songs of the Fifties and Sixties which made her one of the best selling female vocalists of all time .
24 ‘ I 've just had a quick word with Carole Meadows , ’ Ross told her as he put down the phone .
25 She burst into tears and Morse walked diffidently over to the settee , where he temporarily displaced the teddy-bear , put his right arm along her shoulder , and held her to him as she sobbed away the storm .
26 Thinking of the crystal spaces , the lines of Kubla Khan unfolded naturally before him as he dawdled up the long terrace of decaying houses .
27 Store manager Richard Northover was dumped there by the two masked raiders who 'd kidnapped him as he locked up the Woolworths store .
28 She watched him as he switched on the light by the bed and drew the curtains .
29 She smiled at him as he put down the drinks .
30 One guest at the Hotel Bucharest , which saw fierce fighting in the initial stages and now stands deserted , has complained that nobody believed him when he pointed out the leader of the Securitate fighters .
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