Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] her [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She nuzzled me and I cuddled her with tears streaming down my face . ’
2 She would not return to you because you believed her to be a fallen woman , and nothing she could say would convince you otherwise . ’
3 ‘ Leith never said anything about agreeing to marry you when I saw her in the — ’ Travis left his own unhappy thoughts to start to exclaim .
4 A furlong separated them but he knew her at once .
5 She had a row with a young man named Nick Owens when they were all at the caelidhe one evening and he told her that he wanted her to be his girl and not go out with anyone else .
6 She declines to have sexual intercourse with him and he threatens her with eviction and homelessness if she does not comply .
7 A pretty girl in a white coat came out to him and he reminded her of his appointment .
8 She was finding the party more trying than she expected , and told me to come and get her if I needed her for anything …
9 Jamila asked me to touch her and I rubbed her between the legs with Vaseline according to her instructions , like ‘ Harder ’ and ‘ More effort , please ’ and ‘ Yes , but you 're making love not cleaning your teeth . ’
10 While Blanche tries to pass him in one of the passages he grabs her and he hurts her in the cruellest and most brutal way .
11 It roused her violently by its unexpectedness , and she made no protest when his arms went round her and he kissed her with a force and a recklessness that she met with equal need .
12 He was almost sure that it was all a revelation to her and he watched her in sad silence as she covered her face and shook with sobs .
13 In one stride he was against her and he caught her to him so savagely that every bit of breath seemed to leave her body .
14 I think she 's a bit upset , I think she thinks I 'm better , I 'm better than her because I beat her in that , and I think she 's , a bit of shock for her .
15 And she would have to leave whatever she was doing to sit in with him while he briefed her on what he intended to do , and why .
16 Someone , last night , had undressed her before they put her to bed .
17 Because I 'd told her it was funny this doctor never even touched her before he sent her in there .
18 Educated at home , she in turn taught her younger brothers and sisters , which irked her as it prevented her from pursuing her own studies .
19 ‘ With your colouring , you should wear that shade of green more often , ’ he told her as he ushered her into the dove-grey Daimler .
20 Fran flushed even more , trying to draw away , but he would n't let her as he curled her to him and held her tightly until the ache subsided .
21 When she dared to look up she found herself gazing into burning dark eyes , and when she could n't look away , Alain brought her closer , his arms closing round her as he crushed her against his strength .
22 She arched against him , unable to control the flames of desire leaping within her , then a gasp escaped her as he swept her into his arms and carried her to the double bed in her aunt 's room .
23 Instead , his arm tightened round her as he drew her towards him .
24 ‘ You are going nowhere at all , ’ he assured her grimly , looking down at her as he sat her on the bed , her legs on top of the sheets , and she was too busy trying to make sure she did n't faint to consider how she looked .
25 Fiona drove her own car , the twin of Harry 's ( still lost ) , and settled Erica Upton in the front beside her when we collected her on a westerly detour .
26 Luke Calder sat down on the settee , pulling Fran down next to him as he favoured her with a smile that would have made a lesser woman fall in a grateful little heap at his feet .
27 When Luke moved her back towards one of the couches , she complied mindlessly , letting him pull her down with him and turning in towards him as he drew her across him , supporting her with one arm while his free hand curved round her , instinct or experience guiding him to the concealed zip of her simple dress .
28 To her surprise he took her arm , his hand under her elbow , forcing her to place her weight firmly on him as he helped her to her seat .
29 ‘ In that case , ’ Maggie said happily , snuggling against him as he put her in the car and came to sit beside her , ‘ I wo n't argue . ’
30 ‘ Look — er — this is all … well , it 's all quite ridiculous , ’ she told him as he issued her into the apartment .
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