Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] on [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Let him take his chauffeur 's cap off very slowly and say softly to me , ‘ oh sir , I do n't never want to work for anyone else , never ’ ; let him kneel by the side of the great bed , in the moonlight , and let him lean over to kiss me gently on the lips and to run his leather-gloved hand tenderly across my cheek , across my lips , through my hair , saying all the time , ‘ oh sir , I 'm here sir , I 'm right here , I 'm right here by the bed ; was you calling me sir , did you call me ? ’
2 I 'll fill you in on the details before I leave .
3 I know you like hiking because I saw a photo of you in your little bum-freezers , so we 'll take you up on the moors and then call at Harry Ramsden 's for some fish ‘ n ’ chips .
4 I 'll sit you up on the pillows and you 'll be nice and comfy . ’
5 Nothing to report to you now on the buses or the trains .
6 and she says she sat , she sat er still you know with her arms folded and all like that and she says , oh she says I think you er collect the books and stamp them and put them back on the shelves and she said they all laughed , but she got the job in opposition to er , a few others you know
7 And he can go on avoiding him forever on the grounds that he was the one who split the title .
8 Look what happened to Flaubert : a century after his death Sartre , like some brawny , desperate lifeguard , spent ten years beating on his chest and blowing into his mouth ; ten years trying to yank him back to consciousness , just so that he could sit him up on the sands and tell him exactly what he thought of him .
9 ‘ For fuck 's sake , and I do n't care who the hell he is — release him , throw him back on the streets and do n't touch him again .
10 Mark … the jockey that rode him to victory at Cheltenham has retired from the saddle but still rides him out on the gallops and is now helping to tarin him
11 She kissed him again on the lips before mouth followed the path her hands were taking .
12 He kissed her briefly on the lips and came into the flat , a slightly-built sandy-haired man in his mid-thirties wearing a heavy black overcoat over a sweater and cords .
13 She raised her face to him like a shy virgin , and he kissed her passionately on the lips while his fingers busily freed her of her underwear .
14 She kissed him lightly on the lips and rose from the bed to get dressed .
15 In the later seventeenth century a French duke turned it down on the grounds that his father , by holding it , had accumulated debts of 200,000 livres .
16 Hollywood would turn it down on the grounds that it held no street credibility .
17 John Major is understood to have offered her a junior minister 's job at the Home Office , but she turned it down on the grounds that it was not sufficiently senior .
18 I 'm not the best to s pick it up on the stitches and
19 Regular users of it wrap the edges round wooden batons , secured with a few tacks , leaving these to rest on the ground , and rolling it up on the batons when the season is over .
20 I think what radical feminism has done is popularised that and taken it out on the streets and provided a core of anger and rage and has mobilized women .
21 He takes it out on the children and myself ( not physically ) , has almost become an isolationist and is very difficult to live with .
22 It is , they 've give it out on the trains as you 're coming in
23 Sally came up to me , kissed me firmly on the lips and said , ‘ It 's late , Chris .
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