Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [vb past] to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I once went to the Ajami police station to ask for protection but the British constable would n't open the door to me . ’
2 I once said to a small group of Reception children working in the play area : " I 've heard that this bracelet has some strange magic powers .
3 Will McLewin rolls into town 40 minutes late , parks his battered VW van on double yellow lines in Llanberis High Street and wanders into Pete 's Eats with a mirthful , wondering , combative expression on a face I once compared to a quick and breathing version of Norman Tebbit 's .
4 I ONCE mentioned to a local farmer that my grandfather had been born in the little fishing village of Staxigoe , to the north of Wick in Caithness , and he quickly warned me not to go about repeating the story , because of the supposedly dubious reputation the natives of Staxigoe have earned themselves down the ages .
5 I once talked to an old retainer of the Usurper who claimed Richard hid five hundred pounds in gold in the great bed there .
6 I once suggested to a French audience that a book on Les silences du Colonel Polybe would be instructive .
7 I wonder why you did n't phone your lawyer before I ever got to the front door . ’
8 I also spoke to the assistant editor , when he came in .
9 I also spoke to the chief investigator of the Senate committee , who said that he had taken a large amount of information about this to the first secretary of the British Embassy in Washington , but the British government had hampered any further investigation .
10 And in this respect , it should be recalled that the man I later compared to the mechanical rabbit who runs on.rails at a greyhound track was far from being the smooth , meticulous driver he later became .
11 I then returned to the little inn where I had ordered dinner to be ready at an hour early enough to allow me to walk back to Ballachulish in time for the calling of the steamboat on its Fort William route .
12 Therefore , I decided that I had the clue to something that had long baffled me , that whereas Levis 's strict division of the world into sensuous particulars and more intellectual abstractions — I hope I 'm being fair to him , I 'm caricaturing and shortening _ whereas this was applicable to the modern period , it probably was n't to the period I decided , I think , roughly before the eighteenth century , and with this in mind I then turned to the mysterious last plays of Shakespeare that we 've been talking about earlier and tried to see whether the sense one gets in those plays of love , for example , not as simply a logical construction for talking about the way people behave in relation to each other , but as some kind of spiritual entity existing prior to the human subjects in the play , whether that sense could be in some degree confirmed and explained by an investigation of the general use of universals in the period and earlier .
13 And with this in mind I then turned to the mysterious last plays of Shakespeare that we 've been talking about earlier , erm and tried to see whether the sense one gets in those plays of love , for example , not as erm simply a logical construction for talking about the way people talk in relation to each other , but as some kind of spiritual entity , existing prior to the human subjects in the play , whether that sense could be in some degree confirmed and explained by an investigation of the general use of universals in the period and earlier .
14 ‘ I began reading politics early on but also my parents taught me that the greatest value was compassion , which I undoubtedly linked to the Labour Party . ’
15 I too got to the Imperial by 12:30 and asked a few likely candindates were Tim !
16 I too listened to the whole clubcall bulletin .
17 I thought you usually went to the seven-thirty ?
18 you always went to a proper butcher then , you did n't go to the supermarket because you had a good butcher that you used to go
19 This girl had not of course been told of the scandal of the boss 's daughter , and she willingly went to the tall cabinet , found the card , read it to Alice who memorised it and ran out .
20 You 'll be alright — you probably went to the same school .
21 In 1700 she contributed an ode on the death of John Dryden [ q.v. ] to Luctus Britanici : or the Tears of the British Muses , and she also contributed to The Nine Muses ( 1700 ) , a volume of poems by women in memory of Dryden edited by Mary Delarivière Manley [ q.v. ] , with whom she had an intense but short-lived friendship .
22 Many of her remarks today were about her constituents in Gateshead , but she also referred to the national picture .
23 When the girl shrieked , ‘ Mummy ! ’ she fairly ran to the front door , with a cry of , ‘ What is it ?
24 She even climbed to the old attic that she had never even seen before ; perhaps here there would be some painting he had done long ago .
25 Her earliest work in cytology concerned the presence of centrosomes in higher plants ; she then moved to a general study of oögenesis and spermatogenesis in Lilium martagon .
26 But in spite of her enthusiasm , she never tumbled to the silent response which greeted her each time she told the story .
27 She never got to the expensive school .
28 She set an important precedent , because she never conformed to the accepted feminine ideal — she had acne , weight problems , scraggy hair and a masculine voice .
29 We eventually went to the Austrian Police in an effort to get some assistance and , as good fortune would have it , we met it young Austrian called Thomas who worked at one of the Shipping Offices on the border .
30 We soon came to the same decision , which was that having promised the boys we would help them , we could n't now let them down .
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