Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] n't [verb] they [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No , I should n't put them in the garage they 'll get damp there .
2 I could n't get them in there .
3 but I ca I , I could n't get them in , in a thirteen .
4 I could n't convince them at the other end that I needed an ambulance because I was outside the hospital .
5 Since I 've recently had my car radio stolen I 'm quite in favour of them not being sold at the car boot sales perhaps somebody would like to returns it to me but erm , the , you know , I 'm er you know they do need some restr , some legislation but I would n't want them to be legislated out of existence .
6 At least two of them sail very close to the wind but I would n't categorise them as murderers .
7 I would n't give them to a dog .
8 ‘ There is a band of mercenaries going round the circuit , but I would n't pay them in washers — even the big names ’ — JOHN PERKINS ( Pontypool coach ) on player transfers in Wales .
9 Well I would n't keep them in the garage anyway .
10 although I would n't push them into it .
11 If one runs out of the latter one can use paper tissues instead , though I would n't recommend them for pressing fragile flower heads as the tissues can leave a slight pattern on the petals .
12 these are my children , I would n't harm them for the world .
13 I would n't trust them to people who 've had a year to get ready and still manage to come two hours late .
14 Oh yeah there , there 's some people I would n't take them to .
15 so , and er I said do you sell butterfly ones , and she said I was going to have a go at making them , but she said I ca n't make them like you ,
16 because I ca n't do them on my main one , I 'll have to power up another one and getting wires between them and
17 I ca n't do them in here .
18 ‘ I was hoping someone would come , but I ca n't blame them for not waiting all this time .
19 I ca n't leave them like this ! ’
20 He says being a little forgiving I could praps forgive them a little for us on the 1952 test , the first , but I ca n't forgive them for what they did to these other lads on the later tests , they must have known something from Nagasaki , Hiroshima and Bikini atoll tests .
21 Although the book suggests my beavers should be aggressive , alas , try as I might , I ca n't get them to be anything less than overjoyed at the prospect of more delicious fish-eggs .
22 I ca n't arrest them without proof , but I can make it damn hard for them to live here . ’
23 I ca n't criticise them in any way .
24 I ca n't visualize them to be honest , no .
25 I 've looked with binoculars and I ca n't see them with the naked eye .
26 Well I ca n't see them in the negotiating when he knows what 's going on .
27 ‘ I 've got some papers but I ca n't take them to the police , can I ?
28 I ca n't take them on Friday .
29 I ca n't take them with me either .
30 I wo n't bring them in here , put them in round back .
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