Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] not have been [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 I could n't have been happier : there was nothing else I could wish for .
2 At fifteen years old I started my drama course and I could n't have been happier .
3 ‘ Oh no , ma'am , I could not have been plainer as to everything . ’
4 ‘ Then Orient came in for me and I could not have been happier with the way things worked out . ’
5 I could not have been happier .
6 You could not have been better .
7 I think I 'm rather surprised they might not have been worse .
8 You can probably find things to say about how well George and Marie have gone about co-ordinating their marketing , financial and personnel activities , and you could even ask yourself whether they might not have been wiser to expand ( if that is what they still want to do ) in a different direction altogether .
9 They could n't have been better . ’
10 A question I would ask is that given the product which you had in June and the fact that presumably you have to take what goes , presumably the fact that they do n't send you the strongest stuff erm are you surprised that the figures were down in view of the quality of what you had , or are you surprised it might not have been worse ?
11 Erm I just wonder whether it might not have been better to move round a little bit to the left so we could have seen the lady 's hand and sa as well er er and as well as her face , you know , we 've got ta get we can see what she 's doing , know what she 's doing but it 'd been nice if you could have included her hands .
12 She had no need to give it further emphasis , it could not have been clearer .
13 The erotic effect was electrifying ; it could not have been greater if he had plunged his hand into her crotch .
14 It could not have been better , Hans .
15 It could not have been better and it was a credit to the game of golf the way that the spectators reacted to both sides .
16 Oh I shall never regret Er I do n't know but I 'm just perhaps one on me own , but er it could n't have been better for because I was a freelance and er I wanted to learn and wanted to get on and they allowed me , they allowed me to do what I wanted .
17 Maybe it lasted half an hour , that sleep , it could n't have been longer because there was still no daylight when I was woken , although he did n't mean to wake me .
18 30 " He was dead when he went in , and as he 'd been dead only for about six to seven hours , it could n't have been longer than that .
19 He could not have been kinder nor taken more trouble to see that we enjoyed ourselves .
20 ‘ I wonder if it would n't have been better if the Almighty had created us all as — well — as sort of plants .
21 It can not have been later than A.D. 36 , because Pilate , in that year , was recalled to Rome .
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