Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] not [verb] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 Oh I could n't eat chocolate in bed .
2 er if it 's people give you things like reference lists and reading lists , I mean sometimes that 's the most confusing thing to be given because you do n't know , I used to think you were supposed to read everything on them er and I actually tried doing that once or twice and I could n't find stuff in Aston library so I ran up the er town library and went to Birmingham University library and then I got back the next week and I realized that I was about the only person who 'd actually done that and other people had n't
3 And she thought , quite calmly : this is n't good enough for me , I shall get further if I 'm pulled , I ca n't waste time in going first .
4 ‘ I like to think I 've achieved the former , but I ca n't get promotion in five months . ’
5 It 's quite funny really because er I used to go off I had an agreement with the headmaster at that particular time and he 'd h I 'd been a full time teacher with him , and he needed somebody desperately , that was the only reason obviously he wanted me back , and er I said Well look I can come back but I ca n't get back in order to go to the assembly at first .
6 I ca n't find fulfilment in peeling carrots , and I do n't thrill to the sound of the supermarket trolley — except in New York where I 'm bewitched by the all-night delis .
7 You should n't need oasis in a narrow container as the flowers wo n't have room to move about .
8 Once she was there it would require a tremendous effort of will to get her back to London — except that she could not leave Holly in charge for more than a day ; and except that she was avid for information about the murder inquiry ; and except that there were any number of good stories she wanted to pursue for the column and any amount of private gossip she wanted to hear .
9 At one time he , he lived at , they lived at but er er she was a widow and she was ninety but she was very good to us and , but we had er , we had apartments but there was a lock on both sides of the door , you know what I mean , we were quite self-contained and we had er er a narrow stairs and because of the war I could n't , you could n't er , I used to scrub the stairs down because you could n't buy carpet in those days , you see because of the war and to the shortage of stuff and so I used to keep those stairs nice and , we had a , a , we went , as we went up these stairs erm it , I suppose originally , you see , it would have been back stairs for the servants , you see , in the hall and this old lady used to go in and if ever she had the doctor she used to ask me if I would go and sit with her and hold her hand while the doctor came , you see .
10 Erm it does n't so You ca n't make soap in it .
11 It 's the idea that you ca n't have socialism in one country , it has to be international it 's the idea that it has to be based on the working class because the working class is the agent of socialism and it has to be by revolution because the ruling class wo n't give up its power and wealth voluntarily .
12 For example , you ca n't buy milk in the shop Milk .
13 ‘ At least we can watch the fancy-dress parade , even if you ca n't take part in it — and I 'm afraid there 's no chance of that now . ’
14 Whatever he was , she found him charming and exasperating at the same time and no , she did n't think her relationship would last because you ca n't keep mercury in your hand , not for long .
15 And that 's their right and so you think of something else we you 're not allowed to take them out of a favourite lesson , you 're not allowed to say you are going to miss your football or a P E P E teachers and the football teachers , quite rightly , say if you ca n't keep discipline in your class why why should we be penalized ?
16 ‘ No , ’ she agreed blankly , avoiding his eyes , so that she would n't see distaste in them .
17 On June 28 she announced that she would not seek re-election in the forthcoming general election .
18 You will not use vulgarity in my presence , ’ he said , giving her a look of absolute coldness .
19 So I must say I entirely agree with Heather on this , it seems to me inevitable logic of Freud 's theory and erm my own view is that group psychoanalysis is a contradiction in terms , you can not do psychoanalysis in a group of this and those who say they can I think have n never understood what psychoanalysis is all about and are misleading the public and people pay good money for it .
20 So it seems to me that you can not do analysis in a group because by definition the ego of a person in a group is , is detracted from , whereas in individual psychoanalysis and ideally the ego of the person is added to and enlarged to give them more competence by being made to face up to its repressions .
21 But you can not sense radiation in any other way than by measuring it with a sensitive instrument .
22 If you feel constantly anxious and frightened about food , if you can not take pleasure in eating or in your body , if you know deep down that something is wrong , then it is irrelevant what you weigh or whether your immediate health is at risk ; you should take yourself and your feelings seriously , and look for help .
23 Editor , — J R F Gladman makes the reasonable point , following my observations in West Cumbria , that we should not underestimate asthma in elderly people .
24 We should not seek immortality in reproduction .
25 I ca n't remember the wages they paid us but we could n't get work in the shops anyway .
26 ‘ But we ca n't leave Gran in that place , ’ Miranda said .
27 I 'm just waiting for an official to say something along the lines of ‘ we ca n't play Roecastle in important Premier league games as he 's not match fit ’ … aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
28 We will not accept liability in respect of claims that we receive after that date .
29 We can not bear emotion in public , and we look at grief as pathological or a sign of emotional instability .
30 Policy discontinuity frustrated industrialists and investors who wished to engage in forward planning : they could not anticipate stability in government programs .
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