Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] [vb infin] they to the " in BNC.

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1 But … if they 're family heirlooms then however much I want them , I must return them to the family where they belong , ’ she said dazedly .
2 I 'll give them to the dogs .
3 I would liken them to the Hitler Youth Movement — using intimidating tactics to try to control those who come to matches and deterring decent fans from watching us , ’ said Jobson , whose Southend side have now gone nine League matches without a win .
4 And I shall write my songs and carry them in a pack and I shall recite them to the people , and sing them too , and I shall tell stories , and the little children shall gather around me , the while himself is in the temple . ’
5 One manager , who remains nameless , replied to the psychologists ' request for information thus : ‘ Please feel free to send your questionnaires to me and I will distribute them to the two or three players who can read and write and have an attention span of longer than two minutes . ’
6 Then I will send them to the plane .
7 and then the jury , I can pass them to the jury , now then , sorry
8 We would strongly recommend that if your scales are unreliable you should banish them to the bin and invest in some new ones .
9 The officer said she believed she could link them to the offence .
10 You could drag them to the pitch but you could n't make them perform .
11 She trotted beside Miss Honey with wild little hops and her fingers flew as if she would scatter them to the four winds and her words went off like fireworks , with terrific speed .
12 You can send them to the Link editor as soon as you like , but the final date of entry is October 30 .
13 N : The best things in life are free but you can give them to the birds and bees
14 Perhaps we should send them to the client on all
15 We should develop them to the full .
16 So I says What we can do is I 'll do an hour for you , we 'll move the piano and other bits , bicycles in this case that he had , we 'll shift them to the house close by , drop two men off , and one man 'll come and do the remainder of the work .
17 Yeah , well we will do once we 'll get them to the height we want we 'll start trimming them and they 'll bush out a bit more , that 's not bad they 're about four , four or five foot now are n't they ?
18 Now , the reason we particularly were interested in this was that from the questionnaire we already were beginning to get back some information , and we discovered that eighty-six percent of people had seen their G P in the previous year , and maybe if we could introduce them to the age-well project at some point during that contact , we would be able to achieve something .
19 ‘ Anyone with a complaint should pass them on and we will forward them to the Office of Fair Trading , ’ he said .
20 If a potential investor should assume that ‘ preference ’ means that he should prefer them to the ordinary shares he would be sorely in need of professional advice .
21 He 'll take them to the top of the stairs and make sure they know when to go on — usually by the gracious means of a prod in the back .
22 Well it 'll take 'em to the station .
23 The court heard that Jones scoured the Penrhys estate after the burglary and took his friends to Mr Penrose 's house because he believed he could lead them to the culprits .
24 By the time Roger had recorded from sixteen birds , he told me he thought he could detect regular differences between them so large that he could assign them to the two groups even without being given the code .
25 Cumberland , an eye-witness recorded , ‘ jumped around the room with joy ’ on learning he could resume his pursuit of the rebels , ‘ and declared that he would follow them to the further part of Scotland . ’
26 The hon. Gentleman 's points are well made and I am sure that he will draw them to the attention of the chief constable .
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