Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] [vb infin] [pers pn] for the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ … I 'll do it for the Young Farmers sometime . ’
2 I 'll date it for the day after tomorrow , if that 's OK ? ’
3 I 'll refund you for the apples , and any other damage .
4 I said , " That 's very kind of you , Mavis , and of course I 'll pay you for the gin , but if you do n't mind I 'd rather be alone .
5 I 'll pay you for the use . ’
6 But I 'll pay you for the two lots of coffee .
7 After his triumph , Benn said : ‘ I do n't want to fight Eubank because I do n't like him but I 'll take it for the million he was asking for . ’
8 I 'll need it for the bike when we arrive .
9 No I 'll thank you for the confidence no .
10 Fenella , who rather liked the look of the Gnomes , thought they were a bit like careful children , diligently remembering their manners , sprinkling their conversation with ‘ please ’ and ‘ thank you ’ , and with things like , ‘ I 'll trouble you for the jam pot , your honour ’ , or ‘ after you with the tomato chutney , your worship ’ .
11 Because I have on good information and I 'll say it for the first time on this programme , I intend to give this in my evidence tomorrow , that Rover intend to close not the south works first , but the north works first .
12 And I rang them and see if I could cancel it for the Monday and he only , the doctor does n't sit on the Monday , so I 've got
13 I started playing when I was seven , so by the time The Stones happened it was not difficult for me to play , so I could appreciate it for the music alone .
14 If I had a kid , I 'd maroon it for the afternoon , on a lilo anchored several feet away with waterproof crayons and wax paper to draw on .
15 Finishing the script , I would leave it for the typist and go home for a few hours ' nap until rehearsal time at two o'clock .
16 As beautiful and as wholesome as you may be on the outside , I shall reveal you for the black-hearted trickster that you are .
17 I 'm very well fed too , I think I shall ask them for the bill
18 I shall ask him for the latest joke at the gates of heaven , . ’
19 I support the intention of the Bill and its important deterrent aspects , and I shall support it for the same reason as the hon. Member for Oxford , East , but I must confess that I do so with some reluctance at this stage .
20 The position is as I have stated and I will repeat it for the benefit of the right hon. Gentleman .
21 And if you let me go I will forgive you for the way in which you have just spoken to me . ’
22 ‘ These are all the variations I can show you for the moment . ’
23 You may thank me for the breakfast , ’ McAllister said , sitting down to attack her own meal with vigour , ‘ but the weather — now that , alas , is beyond me .
24 ‘ Then you must thank her for the invitation and suggest a postponement . ’
25 She might despise him for the methods he used in business , but the fact remained that she loved him , and if there was anything she could do to protect him she would do it .
26 These are substitutes , but you 'll need it for the authentic taste .
27 And you shall not strip your vineyard bare , neither shall you gather the fallen grapes of your vineyard ; you shall leave them for the poor and for the sojourner : I am the Lord your God ’ ( Lev .
28 If she had let this chance slip , she knew she would regret it for the rest of her life .
29 One day soon she would see him for the last time .
30 As for killing Havvie , I did not think that she would thank me for the scandal , ’ he finished simply .
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