Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] [adv] [verb] [det] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I may not know much about anatomy , but I am rug-smart .
2 yeah , but again I should just get some of these checked , every content , you know that the heading
3 Erm I I should also say that for the for the record that erm we accept the Greater York figures and regard them as also acceptable .
4 No reason why I should n't do some of the simple work . ’
5 He 's offered to give me a reading list , and he says he does n't see why I should n't use some of the laboratory equipment for my practical work . "
6 I mean , perhaps I should n't say this about a chum , but he does lose his rag very easily .
7 It was erm , I should n't think , I should n't say this on the air , it was f on a cellar steps , at a teenage party .
8 ‘ I presume I should n't take this as a literal record of members ’ behaviour , sir . ’
9 The decision to close thirty one of our pits , was er , erm , I was gon na say a major error , I should maybe rephrase that to a Heseltine error .
10 Well it 's starting earlier than that , but I wonder whether to leave it until because I might already know most of
11 I might even accept some of them .
12 The Liverpool star , who will represent Britain in the May contest , said : ‘ I might even put some of them on my new album . ’
13 I 'll just do half of this and then eat it .
14 ‘ Plenty of nice dry wood for the cooking , ’ he said , ‘ and I 'll just collect some of those wild mushrooms , shall I ?
15 thought I 'll just put that on it .
16 I 'll just put some of my money .
17 I 'll just put these in here .
18 Finally I 'll just say this to him , I agree that we have a great deal of things to learn from the United States , not in the way he suggests but it is a fact that er over the economic cycle of O E C D between seventy nine and eighty nine er America the United States saw growth of twenty six percent which created eighteen and half million jobs in their free enterprise economy .
19 I 'll just plug that up that .
20 No , I 'll just read some of it .
21 I 'll not take any of you .
22 I said to myself , I 'll not get another like that , but I did the very next ball !
23 Now that I 've finished work I 'll probably do that for you
24 I 'll never forget any of them .
25 ‘ You have been so kind to me and I 'll never forget any of you .
26 Now , I 'll never believe that of John Prescott .
27 And er the chap that tended her was er a locum , he were only a young chap , and er he says , Oh oh I 'm sorry , he says , I 'd better get me old man to come , he said I do n't suppose I 'll ever see another of these in my career .
28 If I could also ask those of you who have n't decided on a confirmation name , I think really by the time we meet again you should .
29 I mean David 's talking about the leaf stem I could n't care less about the leaf stem I 'm with most people I understand that Councillor Barry Jackson 's offered to look after it in his garden cos he likes it and he 's welcome to do that .
30 I could n't care less about it .
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