Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] [verb] [pn reflx] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 But long ago , in 1946 , the questing and the questioning had become almost unbearable , and I knew that to keep my sanity I must force myself to an arbitrary conclusion : I would believe the least terrible of terrible possibilities — that the plane had been shot down over the Channel by enemy action .
2 I concluded my own column of that week as follows : ‘ After sneering at Lord Mogg , I suppose I should commit myself to a conclusion of my own from the last ten days ' dramas .
3 And [ wa ] others felt a similar shock at my intention to talk about political jokes relating to contemporary leaders of the modern Arab World and suggested that I should confine myself to the days of the Prophet and the early imams .
4 ‘ I was desperately waiting for the magic word ‘ Cut ’ so I could attach myself to the wires before falling , ’ he says .
5 Althusser denies the need for a more detailed account on the grounds that ‘ As the formal structure of all ideology is always the same , I shall restrict myself to a single example , one accessible to everyone , that of religious ideology , with the proviso that the same demonstration can be produced for ethical , legal , political , aesthetic ideology , etc . ’
6 This task , in any comprehensive sense , is beyond the scope of the present book , and I shall confine myself to a very schematic presentation of a few salient issues .
7 In arguing this I shall limit myself to the internal characteristics of the National Curriculum .
8 In the present chapter , I will restrict myself to a simple summary of Kuhn 's views .
9 To attempt to summarise the cookery of the Far East in two or three paragraphs would be impossible , so I will limit myself to a brief description of some of the more readily available Oriental foods , and an Eastern style recipe for the buffet table which is always very popular in my catering business .
10 Almost every line of this surprisingly underrated poem is relevant to the subject in hand , but I will limit myself to the following short extract :
11 On page 48 , Jim Levi profiles the man who will occupy one of the hottest seats in British banking , so I will confine myself to a few points .
12 A fuller description of this can be found in the paperback edition of A Presumption of Innocence , so here I will confine myself to the main points .
13 As a consequence , I will confine myself to the facts as I understand them .
14 However , before competing again you must present yourself to the tournament doctor to have both the injury and your bandaging accepted .
15 He maintains that : ‘ If you would swim on the bosom of the ocean of Truth you must reduce yourself to a zero ’ .
16 Bearing in mind that this fish consumes large amounts of vegetation in the wild , you must reconcile yourself to a plantless tank , unless you like the plastic variety .
17 She can not afford to make a mistake so she must leave herself to the administrations of Lady G , June 's of Hamilton or Gina Smart in Ayr .
18 She wants her image ‘ sorted out ’ before she signs a deal to prevent any manipulation , to ensure no one tells her how she should present herself to the record-buying public .
19 Though she tried as faithfully as she might to devote herself to the needs of this rude community , she knew that she was not greatly liked and the knowledge injured her .
20 ‘ And you 'll come yourself to the King , my lord ?
21 ‘ Just think , ’ he told her , ‘ you could treat yourself to a trip down Bond Street and splurge on a few trinkets and some new clothes for your wardrobe . ’
22 She fixed her hazel eyes on his and elaborated , smiling , ‘ You could treat yourself to a few trinkets with the change . ’
23 Art History as a subject was not yet available at Cambridge : she would attach herself to the Courtauld Institute .
24 She would confine herself to the final phase of Marie 's life .
25 You can explain yourself to the CO later . ’
26 There are Western-style concerts in Tokyo ; if you 're brave about food and hotels , I reckon you can treat yourself to a bit of Bach or Mozart , usually played with maturity and feeling by six- or seven-year-olds .
27 Once you 've developed your dexterity in this field , then you can treat yourself to a rib transfer carriage , or add it to your birthday or Christmas list .
28 In Alexandria , the old summer capital of Egypt , you can treat yourself to an overnight excursion to Cairo and Luxor , where the Valley of Kings hides Tutankhamun 's tomb .
29 You can address yourself to a man , and at least hope for a quick ear and an open heart !
30 She was , he said , ‘ a great journalist ’ — ‘ We must recommit ourselves to the important mission to which Lernoux was devoted . ’
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