Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] [verb] [adv prt] through [art] " in BNC.

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1 Maybe I 've strayed into another world and I 'll get back through a looking-glass .
2 Cawthorne was leaning over the machine , blocking my view of anything else inside the bunker , and I slid around to check whether I could see in through the slits .
3 I 'd go down through the choir practice room and St Andrew 's chapel beneath it , make a quick call at the sacristy ( where Holy Harding does his serving ) , then cross the quire to the south side , where , with the help of the Talisman of Shag , I would enter the-spiral stair at ground level , and so — relicless but , hopefully , bearing precious manna for the invalid — to the Sanatorium ( formerly known as the Wheel Room ) and , after that , bed .
4 And underneath that thought ( I think ! ) is another one another underblanket , insulating the underblanket above and which , so far as I can make out through the layers on top of it , runs something like this :
5 It was n't a slum terrace , as she had expected , but from what she could make out through the moonlight they were good working-class houses , each with its small rectangle of iron-railed garden in front .
6 From this room she could see out through a wide window into a dense stand of woodland , which seemed to crowd together , not quite hiding a track leading to a small cave .
7 She 'd go in through the back .
8 Tomorrow she would motor on through the German and the Czechoslovakian borders to her destination in Mariánské Láznë .
9 At one end there are double doors , so that you can go in through the outer door and shut it before opening the inner door — which means there 's less chance of a bird escaping .
10 You can go out through the door behind you .
11 From here you can either continue by cable car to the summit at 9,679 feet and enjoy the panoramic views from the restaurant , or you can walk up through a half-mile tunnel ( with viewing windows at intervals ) to the Schneefernehaus .
12 And two late passes a week and when you 've had those you can get in through the pantry window if the front door 's been locked . ’
13 You ca n't save calculations , but you can track back through a chain of arithmetic , alter figures , and see the alterations reflected in the final sum .
14 Derelict cars parked in back alleys with their windscreens bashed in — you can climb in through the front and then over to the back , it 's dry and quite clean and the fuzz never think to look .
15 Right , we 'll go up this way , through the promena along the promenade , and then we 'll go back through the town and it 'll be time to get the others from school by then .
16 Oh we 'll get in through the window then , that 'll be a laugh .
17 ‘ I thought we could move up through the shop , better ourselves .
18 He pulled up and we could look down through the grey cloud-mist to the centre of the village where an old stone bridge and several houses were crumbling into the river .
19 We can go back through the Wolfwood and hope that we reach our original road again , ’ he said .
20 We can get in through the zippers . ’
21 They must walk out through the camp gate and cross the road and the railway line and then the file will enter the compound of the Factory .
22 " No , John , they 'll come up through the front , " said Fielding , his arm on my shoulder now as he steered me across the floor .
23 But the thing that I reflected on was here we were , into our third bombing year , and the mighty Eighth Air Force had come to our aid over thousands of miles of land and 2,000 miles plus of sea ; and they can come down through the clouds and land almost within sight of the place they were making for , with no navigation aids at all .
24 Erm only part of it will burn and it 'll go out through the exhaust , the
25 There was no key in the lock , so he could see in through the big old-fashioned key-hole .
26 If he could root back through the maze of moment and incident , would he find premonitory signs sticking out like dire figurations of chicken entrails ?
27 He would stay on through the night although the local doctor had said it was probably useless .
28 Well unfortunately if , if I did have a delivery of coal it would come in through the other entrance .
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