Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] [verb] out [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I will consider these issues in turn , but first I must set out the Parliamentary history of sections 61 and 63 by reference to which the case was argued before us .
2 Mr Whitehead of Withington wrote , ‘ I must point out the startling resemblance between your advert and the basic storyline of the James Bond film Goldfinger . ’
3 Maybe I should stroll out the front door and take a walk .
4 ‘ Sometimes I 'll pull out the pink Strat in the studio .
5 I 'll check out the smaller break for starters .
6 I 'll sort out the extra money with your agent . ’
7 I 'll sort out the big hitter from the two bob millionaires .
8 I 'm not hungry , I 'll miss out the first course anyway . ’
9 I 'll miss out the obvious , ‘ first , take your cow ’ as that 's about the only thing Klondyke do n't get involved in .
10 Times was hard , and he had the advantage over the insurance company of knowing that his profits might be tapering off in the near future , and he thinks , ah , I 'll get , er , I 'll take out a Permanent Health Insurance , based on my present income to protect seventy-five , because I know in about three or four years time , my income would have gone down to about sixty per cent of what it is , so .
11 Give me a line-up of blokes I 've never met before , and I 'll pick out the big hitter for you . ’
12 I 'll work out the total current flowing through the whole erm circuit
13 I could make out a younger Conchis in the centre , wearing a straw hat and shorts , and there was one woman , a peasant-woman , though not Maria , because she was Maria 's age in the photo and it was plainly twenty or thirty years old .
14 For , if I am the world ’ — we were heading down again , his nails digging into my flesh , I could make out the Eastern Mediterranean — ‘ then the world must be real .
15 After a couple of hundred yards the jungle thinned , and I could make out the towering white cliffs of the apartments building .
16 As he spoke I could make out the red roofs of the bungalows dotted among the green trees .
17 And as I changed tack , the harbour came into view round the headland , with the hill rising behind it , where pines grow in a sheltered spot , and then I could make out the white walls of my house through the binoculars .
18 The atmosphere was less turbid than I 'd expected from Edward 's description — a glowing , orange-red furnace of heat in which I could make out the shadowy profiles of two pots .
19 I said I 'd tear out the dead michaelmas daisies , but the gardener had done that .
20 They deliberately looked for inconsistencies where they basically knew I 'd told them but two aspects of the truth , in the hope that I 'd blurt out the real truth about something else in my fright and confusion .
21 I never , on the other hand , determined that I would separate out a whole slot for a women 's magazine .
22 It is n't much good writing ‘ I would carry out a thorough investigation and get to the bottom of this whole business … ’
23 The doubles which are now being offered widely are indispensable and I would pick out the deep red ‘ Captain Blood ’ , the white edged purple ‘ Marie Crousse ’ and ‘ Our Pat ’ in bluish-violet as the best growers .
24 ‘ I would line the men up outside , then I would pick out the youngest and strongest for sweeping and cleaning .
25 give us another bowl and I can dig out the little manky pieces
26 First you must cut out the airy speculation inside the brackets , then you must examine in what ways this is and is not a new kind of play , and then rephrase juvenilian , which at present totters between juvenile and some reference to that difficult writer of Roman satires , Juvenal , who may be an influence on Marston , but hardly on Shakespeare .
27 Here , you should point out the extra costs involved in putting furniture into storage and moving into temporary accommodation , although these may be offset by the interest yielded from the temporary investment of the proceeds of sale .
28 Well you might find out a little bit later on , an I 'll also have live music on the show from the Old Vic in , Andrew 's gon na be down there with Edward , it 's all to come .
29 We suggest that you might work out a daily rate for lighting , repairs , telephone and sundries ( on the basis of a 36 week year ) and then charge that .
30 Then she retreated in bleak anguish to her bedroom , and sat hunched in the window-seat , looking out over the soft rolling lawns and distant Cotswold hills , dimly aware that her single most painful desire was that her mother were still alive , so she could pour out the secret desolation to the one person who 'd have understood …
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