Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] [verb] they on [art] " in BNC.

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1 If you have any other items you wish to raise at the meeting , please advise me beforehand so that I may include them on the agenda .
2 I 'll leave them on the mat inside the door so you can change into them , then your clogs wo n't wake me up from my nap .
3 Now I 've got some tables in the car , and if you 'd like me to fetch them during break , I 'll , I 'll leave them on the table for you .
4 ‘ Oh , I could do them on the train to the City some morning every week . ’
5 I thought I 'd put them on the window sill I think
6 The figures that I am about to present to the House will embarrass the Leader of the House , but I shall get them on the record none the less .
7 The answer is , if they had a particular general part of the study , but I shall stick them on the wall , er , with Blue Tac , but I shall stick the Blue Tac on the so I shall just make that point , so that if some particular person whose just taken it on , do n't ask about the use of Blue Tac in his room .
8 I will feed them on the mountains of Israel , by the streams and in all the inhabited places of the land .
9 You must tell them on the phone after telling them the price and what it 's all about you say , Right when I come round tomorr er whenever to er strike up the deal with you I want the contract signed I need a thirty five percent of the first year 's payment as a deposit cheque .
10 Godparents , these state that you should keep them on the straight and narrow
11 You 'll want them on a long-line sweater or jacket , or else on a kind of Jolly Roger jumpsuit .
12 you could have them on a lead could n't you ?
13 So I thought , in my wisdom I thought , there was easier way than that , wh at one bar and I had one rope come under the draw bar with a tow bar , so I said right one bit of rope , one bar , so all the docker got ta do now is take the bar out , take the rope off , that was alright and you could stow 'em on the , on the deck .
14 We used to catch a lot of fish and it was always in them days you used to catch the trout in the Summer and you used to dry them on the on the dykes and hang them on the line like you could see haddocks and that drying .
15 Sometimes she would use them on a Sunday morning and I would say : ‘ Well , you ca n't have talked to that many people in Beccles since last night . ’
16 After development the shots appear in the left-hand window , and you can place them on the main picture by moving them around and pressing fire .
17 It 's usually er er males that go to wars rather than females , and you can waste them on a vast scale like we did at the time of the first world war and , and find virtually no effect on your population .
18 What you want is to be able to answer a few sensible questions uniquely identifying you , the trouble is there 's probably a repertoire of only ten of those questions , you 're going to get asked three or four of them , but those questions , your date of birth , your telephone number , the er address of your bank and so on and so forth , if you 're a private detective you can get those , you can have them on a sheet of paper and you can pretend to be whoever you like .
19 I 'm sure they do them , cos you can get them on the Christmas club ca n't you ?
20 The tickets have gone the tickets have gone for the er the Phil Kelsall concert you can get them on the door four quid on the night a week on Friday at eight o'clock at the er Alfreton Leisure Centre but our complimentary tickets have gone , long long gone .
21 All right I 'll put y Oh by the way the tickets have gone those tickets have gone but you can get them on the door at the Mapley Plain Social Club this Wednesday in Nottingham and you can see the Ivy League Alf , Berry and Heather Nixon , Night Ride organist and drummer and the compere Peter Lawrie six quid the tickets are admission at eight o'clock this Wednesday an all star show at the Mapley Plain Social Club in Nottingham .
22 Now the tickets are four quid each , you can get 'em on the door , but if you 'd like two tickets , phone us on , we 'll send 'em by first class post , we need your postcode , give us a ring now , if you 'd like two tickets for the grand charity dance , modern , old-time and sequence featuring Phil , resident organist at the Tower Ballroom Blackpool .
23 And the big band sound of the Alfreton dance orchestra , it 's all happening at the Leisure Centre Alfreton this Friday , eight till twelve , tickets are four quid , you can get 'em on the door , all organized by Rotary .
24 But there are plenty of people who do n't agree ; you can find them on the autobahns of Germany , where very fast driving is the norm .
25 Instead of er sanding them all down and all the paint and that , you can put them on the top .
26 You can put them on the and now it stings my hand cos I cos
27 See if you can raise them on the radio . ’
28 For suppose that the disuse of meat causes a permanent distaste for it , and that an increased demand for fish continues long enough to enable the forces by which its supply is governed to work out their action fully ( of course oscillation from day to day and from year to year would continue : but we may leave them on the side ) .
29 They were not going to fight any more , and we decided we must leave them on the island .
30 I 'll take these clothes down and you fold them on the bed there , nicely , then we 'll put them on the cart .
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