Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] [verb] [pron] like [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ROS : A compulsion towards philosophical introspection is his chief characteristic , if I may put it like that .
2 I should think something like that really .
3 I thought I might do it like that .
4 Cos I saw erm a photo when I was eighteen and I it was sort of short in the neck over my ears short in there and then sort of fuller there and then just a bit of you know a light fringe not a heavy fringe and I thought I might have it like that so
5 No , occasionally I 'll do something like that mind you .
6 So I 'll do it like that .
7 Well I 'll put it like this .
8 Well , I 'll take the microphone off cos I 'll put it like this , down here like this No Caelia , no just leave it alone .
9 So , it 's no good er me looking up in some book Theresa 's dreams if I could decipher it like some kind of code in which every single thing in the laten in the manifest content represented something latent for what we 're trying to then kind of decode as in a code book because er that 's not valid , at least it 's not valid in general terms .
10 ‘ I really thought I could handle something like that !
11 There 's no blooming so I mean I could drink something like that , which is purely chemical and never seen as li a damn orange That 's all it is is flavourings and water and
12 ‘ What kind of man do you think I am , that I could forget something like that ? ’
13 ‘ But thinking I could orchestrate us like that was pretty high-handed . ’
14 If I still was going down I 'd do it like that
15 ‘ You do n't honestly believe I 'd do anything like that , do you , Chrissy ? ’
16 Reverend thought oh yes he 'd be very very glad of you , so he said I 'd be prepared to visit the sick , I 'd do anything like that and he did in fact start doing some visiting , and among other people that he called upon was a person living in Road , not very far really from where I 'd been born and I knew the area well .
17 ‘ That 's a good shot you got there , but , you know , on the next one , I 'd shoot it like this
18 They hand-made him this acoustic guitar and I thought it was really beautiful , so I thought I 'd like something like that .
19 ( Letterman likes my idea of using Maa and subtitles very much ; he was hoping I would suggest something like that . )
20 Now I can pass it like any other house .
21 What you 've got to do is actually have some understanding of the needs of a of particular newspapers , radio programmes , television programmes , by studying , look at it , see what it who 's it for , what language do they use , how do they phrase things , what 's their format , and then you can get yourself in the position where you can say , ‘ I can do something like that , I can produce something like that . ’
22 So what we have , if I can paint it like this , is a development programme which does n't just rely on Oxfordshire Social Services putting cash into it , because there are , if we manage this process properly , other people who we can encourage to bring money into Oxfordshire , but the key thing that 'll only do it is if they 're confident that they 're dealing with a competent organization and somebody that they trust and they have some form of credibility .
23 Secondly , I get another dollop of money , if I can put it like this , for Home Care right across the county .
24 What you 've got to do is actually have some understanding of the needs of a of particular newspapers , radio programmes , television programmes , by studying , look at it , see what it who 's it for , what language do they use , how do they phrase things , what 's their format , and then you can get yourself in the position where you can say , ‘ I can do something like that , I can produce something like that . ’
25 so I can bend it , I can bend it like that then ?
26 Well I think I can remember something like that then .
27 However , in order for the abdominals to grow you must treat them like any other muscle group , and work them hard for 8 to 12 reps using 3 to 4 sets .
28 Well you should get one like this
29 Perhaps have a look in Marks and see whether they 've got any nice baby clothes , she might like something like that .
30 You might say something like that .
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