Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] at that [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I was at that game and the behaviour from some elements in the stands — on both sides — was disgraceful .
2 Well I 'm sure if whether we 're at that stage or not .
3 assume that they 're at that level when they come to us and follow on from there .
4 It 's at that point that many women start trying to get back into the labour market and at that point it is extremely difficult , so I think that we 're talking about a number of things .
5 Surely , it is at that age that interest has to be aroused because later those subjects will fall on the other side of the divide .
6 It is at that moment that Jesus comes , not as a ghost but as himself , to save them and take away their fear .
7 It was at that level that a thread of continuity linked Charles with his Capetian successors , and his realm with later medieval France .
8 It was then that she and Madeleine saw each other : and it was at that instant that their military training served them well .
9 It was at that time that I interviewed David 's mother , Margaret Jones , who recalled a three-year-old David discovering a bag of make-up in an upstairs room and plastering himself with it , and how at one point she thought he would become a ballet dancer .
10 He went nuts — he went crackers , got the cane , and he was wielding it , and it was at that time that the rest of the boys decided to pile up the furniture in the corner and set fire to it , so half the classroom was burning .
11 And er it was at that time that the Independent Labour Party left the I the Labour Party .
12 of the day I do n't which government it was at that time cos it was in the fifties okayed it and
13 I felt wonderful , and it was at that moment that I realised that if I started taking my athletics seriously , if I started training properly , if I started listening to Ron , then maybe I could do something in the sport .
14 It was at that moment that she had resolved to tell Nick Morley everything that had happened to her .
15 It was at that moment that he ventured to propose to her .
16 That wo n't give anything away , ’ cajoled Deana , and it was at that moment that an open-topped , low-slung dark red sports car purred to an impatient halt directly in front of the foyer 's big glass doors and the unmistakable silhouette of Tom Russell sprang with athletic grace from behind the wheel and began to stride across the cement footpath towards the entrance .
17 It was at that moment that Rincewind 's one remaining ring , already overburdened , slid out of the rock with a nasty little metal sound .
18 It was at that moment that Mr quigley passed the entrance to the pub garden .
19 It was at that moment that the couple whom Guido had pointed out earlier finished paying their bill and headed out to the car park .
20 It was at that moment that Fabia was shaken to realise that all she was looking for was an excuse to be in touch with him again .
21 As luck would have it , when she was certain that , shiny-faced and wet-headed , she must look about her worst , it was at that moment that the outer door opened and Ven came in .
22 It was at that meeting that Dista proposed a new wording for the Data sheet — the standard form of recommendation to doctors on how a drug should be administered .
23 But as the child could not in the very nature of things acquire rights correlative to a duty until it became by birth a living person , and as it was not until then that it could sustain injuries as a living person , it was , we think , at that stage that the duty arising out of the relationship was attached to the defendant , and it was at that stage that the defendant was , on the assumption that his act or omission in the driving of the car constituted a failure to take reasonable care , in breach of the duty to take reasonable care to avoid injury to the child .
24 But as the child could not in the very nature of things acquire rights correlative to a duty until it became by birth a living person , and as it was not until then that it could sustain injuries as a living person , it was , we think , at that stage that the duty arising out of the relationship was attached to the defendant , and it was at that stage that the defendant was , on the assumption that his act or omission in the driving of the car constituted a failure to take reasonable care , in breach of the duty to take reasonable care to avoid injury to the child .
25 It was at that stage that I too decided that it was beyond any rational explanation .
26 It was at that point that Edward recalled the constable 's other words and how they had troubled him even then — seeming to carry a sinister note , a warning .
27 It was at that point that I started to cry !
28 It was at that point that the police came on board , and the pleasure cruiser was ordered to return to the shore .
29 It was at that point that the planes vanished into the solitary cloud in the sky , leaving all of New York craning their necks , scratching their heads and asking ‘ What the hell is an ENGLISH VIRGI … ? ’
30 It was at that point that Charlotte began seriously to like her guide , and to respect his judgement .
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