Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] work [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The first four volumes have been publishes and I am working on the final volume , covering chiefly the First World War .
2 I am working with the local police , yes .
3 I 'm working at the big hospital in Port au Prince , and I 'm doing some work for my book . ’
4 I 'm working at the same time .
5 ( I have to say I was n't in the room with him thought I was working at the Daily Mail at the time . )
6 I was working at the Open University as Pro-Vice-Chancellor in charge of student affairs .
7 Here was silly old me thinking I was working FOR the fantastic IPC .
8 We met in 1963 when I was working on the Daily Express 's William Hickey column , and Peter was writing on the Sunday Express .
9 A.Q. : Towards five-thirty this morning , having just got back from the flower market , I was working in the front quarters of my shop when I got the idea I 'd heard a funny noise just outside the window …
10 I was working in the British High Commission in er Nigeria .
11 This is because you are working on the main background colour .
12 When all the guttering is in place you can start on the downpipes These are generally fixed from the ground working upwards , but you must make sure that you are working to the right line if ( as is common ) the guttering is offset from the wall .
13 ‘ I will give you a minute , no more , to tell me if you are working for the British Government or another .
14 This is obviously correct if you are working from the actual body measurements , but it is of no use when you want to enter measurements taken from a diagram where only an armhole depth measurement is given .
15 Er but if you 're working round the low end , then you are interested in the tiny tiny differences .
16 You say she is working with the British ? ’
17 She was working at the old people 's home , just up the road — ’
18 Gail , 41 , who met Ian when she was working at the American Hospital in Beirut , grew up nearby .
19 She was working on the two o'clock to ten o'clock shift at the factory and on the Tuesday morning was up early to do some ironing , then she began to prepare the midday meal for herself and her mother and father , and Aunt Carrie who was visiting them .
20 With consolidation we are working on the tangible information that is available .
21 But it is n't easy we have a lot , what complaints we get bearing in mind what I said a short while ago , what complaints we get now are very much biased towards defects in street lighting systems provided currently here and there in Suffolk , so I 'm conscious of this , we are working with the Eastern Electricity Board on an improved maintenance contract whereby certain benefits , and one of them is immediacy of response to repair work will be I hope put forward , very conscious of it indeed so and er we are struggling with what the , the basic cause of it all of course is the , the , the quality of some of our street light and equipment here and there throughout Suffolk is old or very out of date and even run down indicator procedure , so we have got a large real programme as well as repairing ones already there .
22 A useful exchange of views always takes place and engenders an excellent team spirit , which proved its worth with the campaign for increased subscriptions when we all felt we were working towards the same goal and had a common purpose .
23 Yes if erm two girls were in a toilet you were fined and they used to stop the money , oh yes two girls were fined it was a very strict there it was er quite as strict there as it was a H & T Hornes and erm you , you but you could have a drink there , but er at one time before they allowed a drink , a cup of tea , the men used to , someone to watch to see if , when we were working in the top shop cos we could see if anyone came up the , up the shop into , from the bottom shop into top shop then they put a can on erm on something to boil you see and er oh and we got a little sto coal stove to heat the shop , no central heating pipes or anything like that , and they put er someone you could see anyone coming up the , up the steps and er anyway there was someone , one of the bosses coming up so they erm whipped the can off , ran round the back of the bench wh where there were a lot of hand presses going and Mr walked straight he was only mad that off the can of boiling water
24 Intel are developing more than processors , they are working towards the diskless computer and demonstrated a prototype that included a small capacity solid-state C : drive containing boot information and operating system in Read Only Memory chips and new high capacity ( 40Mb ) removable flash ROM cards for storage of applications and data .
25 Since they are working on the wrong side of the law anyway , they 're not too worried .
26 But when they are scalping , they are working in the public interest .
27 They are working in the voluntary sector and they 're supporting charities .
28 It is irrelevant that , so far as the employees are concerned , they are working in the same premises with the same equipment and on the same job as before the sale and perhaps have not even been informed that a sale has taken place ( Woodhouse v Peter Brotherhood Ltd [ 1972 ] 2 QB 520 ; Woodcock v Committee for the Time Being of the Friends School Wigton and Genwise Ltd [ 1987 ] IRLR 98 , CA ) .
29 ‘ It will tell them enough to alert them if they 're working for the British Government . ’
30 So really the they 're working on the whole scheme then er
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