Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [v-ing] on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Paradoxically , the more moderate of them are insisting on the maintenance of their block votes because the party is still not fully democratic .
2 Fairfax and I are sitting on the verandah at Folly Farm .
3 Yes I am piling on the drama a bit , but there is a serious point being made .
4 Clearly , I am focusing on the idea that it is the residues of bad experiences that lurk as bad objects in our psyche that cause us so much trouble because they have to be avoided at all costs and so rarely get modified by experience .
5 Even so , I am teetering on the brink of spending £300 to replace the turntable I foolishly ditched as an anachronism a few months ago .
6 By the time we are all set to go to a club I am teetering on the brink .
7 I am sitting on the edge of the shakedown bed I had hoped to sleep in .
8 From where I am sitting on the Rhine embankment I can see the Siebengebirge and the Drachenfels , named for the dragon which guarded the treasure-hoard of the Nibelungs .
9 I am sitting on the doorstep with several women of the Alto discussing nervos with them .
10 I am dallying on the brink , and for an ex-smoker , the brink is a perilous place to be ; for an ex-smoker of the left , it is more perilous still .
11 I am working on the contract for the rest of the Grapevine package and will be sending you ( and John Statham ? ) drafts for your consideration in the near future .
12 Having made the Hannover picture I thought it would be nice to have a smaller version , so I now have a two-metre square version on canvas , also painted with Scanachrome , and I am working on the area of the television screen in a more painterly manner than I was able to use on the large one .
13 While I am waiting on the platform , a railway employee shouts across the track that the 9.49 is cancelled , and that the next train will be at 10.19 .
14 I have n't fallen off , but my back wheel 's in the air , and I 'm leaning on the guy 's boot .
15 Look , I 'm coming up the wall , I 'm rising on the lep !
16 I think I 'm bleeding on the inside .
17 But I would n't expect you to take my word for it , that 's why I 'm drawing on the Department 's manual which confirms my own experience .
18 I 'm working on the principle that most people are okay unless they get muroculous with drink , when they become arse-holes ; you 're behaving like an arse-hole now , so maybe drink 'll make you okay . ’
19 And erm the only other outstanding sponsor from last year was Northern Rock and that has been a bit of a qu a problem because er it 's , we have n't had a closing gala event which might attract them but just recently erm Paul who as you know performed last year with his band so er well er is , had rang me and said that they are doing something in Venice and they could in fact take the boat to Hull rather than to Dover and bring it here and I 'm , so I 'm working on the assumption that we might have that .
20 I 'm working on the premise we have no friends anywhere .
21 I 'm working on the production of a culture from placental tissue which can give reliable results in toxicity tests .
22 Well at the moment I 'm working on the mechanism action of vitamin B twelve dependent enzymes .
23 I thought , ‘ Wow , I 'm standing on the top of the world ’ . ’
24 Take the spaced out I 'm Standing On The Rim ’ , which has enough hints for at least three other songs .
25 Take the spaced out I 'm Standing On The Rim ’ , which has enough hints for at least three other songs .
26 I 'm standing on the railway ?
27 So when my dad had to ski all the way down to the bottom , while I 'm sitting on the side of this bloody slide .
28 Er yeah , I 'm waiting on the dole tomorrow honey .
29 and I 'm putting on the spot
30 I 'm going on the assumption that this mine could well be dropped by a surface vessel as well as a plane .
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