Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [v-ing] it [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They pay me , ’ he says , before qualifying his statement : ‘ I am doing it for the love of my art .
2 and it keeps on cutting out , that 's why I 'm stopping it by the way .
3 If I take away the minus twenty well I 'm taking it from the same thing are n't I ?
4 I 'm laying it on the table .
5 Du n no I , there 's a friend of mine and I 'm selling it in the pa have to advertise in the paper as well so that money 's going to it , I 've made , I 'm having a word with the bank manager for business facilities and then opening an account with him at the bank to er basically get some extra , a business account going which I do n't touch , er I need to get credit facilities done on the bank , accounts and stuff , dad 's gon na look through it completely with me and work everything out , but for the next six , seven weeks I 'll be too busy with the school work to really concentrate on it , cos exams start at seven weeks time now
6 ‘ Now I 'm in the side , I 'm running into these superstars and thinking I 'm only a young boy , but I 'm mixing it with the best .
7 Well I erm I 'm basing it on the Tower Hamlets model .
8 I 'm showing it at the Norwich Contemporary Arts Exhibition on October the third if I can get it there .
9 I 'm doing it through the four years of the course .
10 So she said well do n't do n't put them down again I 'm doing it by the computer .
11 Well I am I am I am quite sure that the person who 's actually if you appointed them treasurer has got the authority to be able to say , there was ten pounds difference , I 'm knocking it off the door and that 's it .
12 I was watching it at the movies , I was watching the whole thing at the cinema .
13 While I was thinking it over the ‘ phone rang .
14 I was reading it in the paper I thought oh I wonder if is .
15 Oh , I was writing it from the board actually .
16 When it was dry , I edged around the unpainted border bands with masking tape very carefully , because now I was applying it onto the painted surface .
17 ‘ I felt I did everything right , like the simple things of making the right contact , but I was striking it into the wind and it seemed to tail off at the last minute . ’
18 Well , I was putting it on the foil and I thought : ‘ This could kill me ’ , but it was that strong the urge to have it , I did n't care .
19 I did think I was doing it for the best .
20 I was doing it for the drive anyway .
21 I was doing it under the covers you see ?
22 Understand that you are not shutting the door on the one you loved , but you are shutting it on the negative force that lived — or still lives — within them .
23 I have said before , and if it be any satisfaction to him I repeat it now , that if you attempt to enforce this Bill , and the people of Ulster believe , and have a right to believe , that you are doing it against the will of the people of this country , then I shall assist them in resisting it .
24 In the Eastern District of the Association , I know , you are behaving as though the idea were a brand-new one ; and with something of the enthusiasm of your founder-members you are carrying it into the countryside .
25 If you 're leaving it to the experts , tell your hairdresser EVERYTHING about your hair such as :
26 whether you 're dropping it on the putting the acid to the the alkal the the metal , the alkali , the base or the carbonate , the salt is always a salt of the acid .
27 Carbohydrates provide a good energy supply for the body as they 're converted into glucose , but make sure you 're eating it in the right forms .
28 ‘ Often the man is the only breadwinner and without him the family has to rely on state benefits — the social security system can be horrendous if you 're using it for the first time .
29 part of the documentation I received , so I presume you 're extracting it from the H and T report of the second of July nineteen ninety two .
30 Well you 're measuring it in the opposite direction to the way you 're measuring X.
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