Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [v-ing] [to-vb] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 But now , at last , I am beginning to see that for all the ‘ believed failures ’ of the past , I have done my best .
2 Richard Baxter summed up his life in these words , ‘ Weakness and pain helped me to study how to die ; that set me on studying how to live ; beginning with necessities , I proceeded by degrees , and now I am going to see that for which I have lived and studied . ’
3 You know , I was prepared to dislike the woman , but I 'm beginning to feel sorry for her .
4 It 's only later on when they 're more experienced that they can actually say , well hang on a minute I can do more for this person and I 'm going to do more for this person .
5 Yeah well we got that lasagne I was going to do that for you today but
6 I hope that as you use it through the year , it will serve to remind you of the life-saving work you are helping to make possible for children throughout the world .
7 Peter Yeo was obviously delighted to do any service , however modest , for her and bustled her away , returning belatedly to ask McLeish if he would like a similar facility , which he accepted , obedient to the unwritten CID rule that you looked after your physical needs at any moment that opportunity offered , because you never knew when you were going to get stuck for hours without help .
8 Isabel sighed and decided she was going to remain hungry for a while longer .
9 She must do it now , though she was rushing to get ready for another appointment — this time with one of the estate agents in town who had rung to tell her he had an attic to let for what sounded like a very reasonable rent .
10 GRAHAM Gooch last night told beaten Pakistan : ‘ There is no way we are going to feel sorry for you .
11 Now we 're going to provide this for you absolutely free .
12 On the way they 've run up Ben Nevis and Snowdonia … swum across Loch Lomond and Derwent Water and cycled the rest of the way … they 're hoping to raise thousands for charity and after 1200 miles have earned a few days off …
13 David Redden , the senior vice president at Sotheby 's who arranged the loan said that Sotheby 's approached the society with the idea of giving ‘ them the breathing space they so desperately needed while they were trying to determine what they were going to do next for themselves … with the hope that other institutions will join in ’ .
14 It was beginning to look ominous for the Light Blues , as the final bend favoured Oxford .
15 He was beginning to feel unhappy for his brother .
16 Maybe he was beginning to feel sorry for me , because this time he chose a tall slim rosebush .
17 But now he was beginning to feel sorry for himself .
18 She felt a change now , as if he was beginning to feel sorry for himself .
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