Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [v-ing] [adv] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 I 'm getting too old for hellraising anyway .
2 I 'm getting too old for this sort of thing , ’ he said .
3 I 'm getting too old for this kind of caper , Willi , ’ Busacher said testily .
4 I 'm gettin' too old for that — it 's been ten years , time for me to chill .
5 But now I feared I was getting too old for romantic friendships .
6 I was put on the road with Lynyrd Skynyrd when they thought I was getting too big for my DMs , but they were real wild men and I liked them a lot and we got on very well . ’
7 I can tell you I was feeling very sorry for myself ’ .
8 You 're gettin' too big for your boots . ’
9 So what , when you 're paying that much for the hi-fi you do n't expect sound quality you 'll get from a tape to tape , it 's thought , the sound quality is so crap you might as well just do it on a shit thing
10 she was going too far for them
11 She usually enjoyed this part of the year immensely , but for once she was feeling quite unprepared for it .
12 After a while , David said we were getting too big for people not to turn up .
13 This change came about not because we were getting too big for our binding , rather we felt we could do better justice to the rich pageant of life at Sainsbury 's with more elbow room .
14 Oh it was just sold we were getting as much for the wool then as for .
15 S so it 's , it 's , it 's either that the cadres are being rightist , they are protecting the landlords so they are keeping too much , or the problem is that the cadres , what we looked at earlier , the cadres are getting in themselves and they are taking too much for themselves .
16 But it 's getting too close for comfort .
17 With like at stake , she does n't think it 's asking too much for a reduced speed limit , crossing and street lights .
18 relationship , I mean do set up , I mean , if you get into , if you establish relations with me then it 's an ongoing thing , it can be , and it ought to be , so you actually do see the same people over a period of time , and you do establish a modicum of trust , not entire trust , because it 's asking too much for entire trust in all circumstances , but at least there is a certain understanding , particularly with the , on the , on the local basis .
19 These days it 's becoming quite fashionable for hellraisers to reform .
20 And Conservative MP Jim Paice , chairman of the all-party Bloodstock Committee , said yesterday : ‘ I think it is looking very promising for registration .
21 For example , it is becoming increasingly necessary for much proposed new development to ensure that it is mentioned in the local plan .
22 As a result , it is becoming increasingly common for employers to engage the services of relocation companies which help expatriates and their families to find suitable accommodation .
23 It is becoming increasingly common for companies to pay the costs of a house-hunting ‘ look-see ’ trip around six to eight weeks before the transfer takes place .
24 It is becoming increasingly common for retailers to sell both types of product .
25 Moreover , it is becoming increasingly common for banks to request , as part of the security package , for an assignment of the warranties given by the vendors .
26 It is becoming more common for families to consist of a series of parent figures in various relationships to a series of children .
27 And he says it is becoming more common for people to sue for medical negligence after a delay of ten , twenty , even thiry years -- but such course is fraught with problems .
28 And it is doing just that for the ladies in my classes .
29 He 's getting too big for his focking black boots , that feller is . ’
30 Buzz said , ‘ The girls trust Adam , but he 's getting too big for his boots — ordering everyone around .
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