Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [adv] about the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm still about the place . ’
2 ‘ And you are here about the boat , is it ?
3 They are here about the court , And , as I think , they have already order This night to play before him .
4 So it seems to be about school anxiety and exam anxieties and so , but those are very common kinds of dreams , but , but very often when you you find they 're actually about the present , they 're about some recurrent anxiety or conflict in the present which is masquerading as if it were in the past because your associations of what 's going on are connected with the past er one way or another .
5 They were generally about the size of a modern Ayrshire but otherwise still had many similarities with the wild aurochs in their shape , horns and the noticeable difference in size between male and female ( sexual dimorphism ) .
6 In a case study of a school 's discussions of an option scheme Hurman noted that they were really about the status of various subject departments , and that discussions on the core curriculum ignored what lay beneath the subject label .
7 It 's also about the advancement of your personal skills .
8 Well , certainly we believe that there can be all sorts of erm techniques that can be very useful , like communications skills and assertiveness , but our understanding is also that it is not only about the skills that people have it 's also about the understanding behind those skills .
9 Well just It 's one of the other things I was gon na a It 's still about the farm actually , I was gon na ask er about things like H your tasks your was there anything like things like the harvesting would you have people coming in to help you ?
10 It is probably about the turn of the century , late C19th , something like that , in typical homes at that time — fairly well off , but leading a simple lifestyle .
11 It is also about the health service treatment of Mr. Thorpe , since it was his doctors who approached me , and his wish , not mine , which has put the matter into the public domain .
12 This stance is a relatively clear and straightforward one , but it is more about the concept of life than the particular issue of mental handicap .
13 The argument was partly about nationalism — there were those who resented the fact that the country 's most prestigious and successful newspaper belonged to a foreign company and was edited by a European — but , more importantly , it was also about the degree of freedom which could or should be permitted .
14 It is hard to say what the theme of the book is , but I would say that it was probably about the development of the relationship between Finn and Jim through their adventures .
15 Because that implies that this kind of thing then spreads to other areas of life , I mean it , after all the revolution of seventeen ninety eight did n't have anything to do with erm industrial relations as such , I mean it was er it was really about the monarchy , the state and er people starving and all that stuff , but the this introduces the interesting idea that once you 've got a kind of pattern in the culture to something , it can then reappear in other areas .
16 It was all about the Scum , you would think they had already won the league the way the commentators were describing the display Saturday .
17 He was always about the place .
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