Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [adv] [art] same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm just the same size I 've always been , Mum .
2 ‘ I 'm the world champion I know , but I 'm still the same boy who raced his Vespa through the streets of Riolo . ’
3 I 'm still the same person .
4 Damn it all , I 'm still the same man . ’
5 ‘ I 've matured as a cricketer through playing against better players but I 'm still the same bloke I was three or four years ago , ’ he said .
6 I was pleased we were talking about girls because I felt this was a subject where Andy 's two extra years did n't really count ; I was effectively the same age as him , and maybe I even knew more than he did because I mixed with girls every day and he only really knew his sister Clare .
7 Carter was an exception , to this and to everything else , but I used to feel that I was roughly the same age as the reigning American President .
8 She 's only the same age as Tommy but I think she 's already a good enough organist to start playing in church on Sundays . ’
9 She is exactly the same age as Mrs Smith and came to Britain from Jamaica in 1957 as a 20-year old with her father ( a skilled motor mechanic who came to work on the London buses ) , her mother and her three brothers .
10 But she is still the same MP ; I do n't think she has moved an inch . ’
11 It was unbelievable that she was only the same age as many of them .
12 She was almost the same age as Julius , and had been with him for over ten years .
13 By comparison with a freighter , moored so close her black stern virtually hung over Isvik 's knife-edged bows , she looked very small , but viewing her from the standpoint of the maxi in which I had raced round the world , I guessed she was roughly the same size — at least twenty-five metres long with a good beam and what looked like a deep V-shaped hull .
14 We 're exactly the same age , and have similar backgrounds , so we 're on common ground from the start .
15 ‘ Lucky we 're nearly the same size . ’
16 I was pretty certain of the approach I had to take and the fact that we 're virtually the same age was an advantage .
17 We 're almost the same age , I 'm just a few months older .
18 I understand that this was pretty common , quite common throughout British Railways , it took a few years to knit together you know , the nationalization and the fact that we were just the same railway after that .
19 We were just the same age and living in the same hole , ’ she said vaguely .
20 We were much the same age and more like sisters than cousins , really . ’
21 What is even worse , however , is that as the two fonts may have been prepared from different masters there could be subtle variations between them — even though they are notionally the same typeface .
22 Imamu and Boo are not similar in the way that they are both the same age or the same colour , but what makes them similar and comparable is that they are both outsiders in society .
23 They are exactly the same size as the others
24 In fact , as I have developed this chapter , I realise that within the definition I am using they are exactly the same thing .
25 Be prepared for confusion , booksellers , since they are also the same colour .
26 No , they are probably the same condition in different manifestations just as Chemical Dependency covers alcoholism and various forms of drug addiction all of which have similar mood-altering effects .
27 Joins on silver or gold objects made with silver and gold solders can not usually be distinguished by radiography because they are approximately the same density as the metals they join , although they can sometimes be identified by colour difference or porosity when seen at high magnification .
28 They are often the same person or principal it could be either in divisional quality manager or procedure
29 Erm the maximum score of that expression is obtained when Z X equals Z Y. So , the maximum time is when the two paired standard scores are a exactly the same , not just they 're both positive or both negative , but they 're exactly the same value as well .
30 And they 're only the same shape .
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