Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [verb] [verb] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 If you will not come to us I am resolved to bring Oreste to you by and by so you may see how he progresses which I hope will be as well as when he was under your care .
2 ‘ And then I 'm going to make love to you … now … and through the night … and possibly all day tomorrow too .
3 I 'm going to make love to you .
4 " I look as if I were going to give birth to an elephant at any minute ! "
5 This acquisition of special knowledge meant that when I was called to give evidence to the Advisory Council on Drug Abuse ( chaired by Baroness Wooton ) on the use of cannabis , I was perhaps more inclined to dwell on the symbolic dangers attributed to its use than on any alleged physical harm , simply because I was now aware that any reality in relation to cannabis use was more complex than could be contained in some easy binary of social value — medical debilitation .
6 ‘ And when I kissed you it rushed through me , waves of it ; I could barely restrain myself , thought I was going to make love to you on the spot .
7 She knew perfectly well she was going to make love to him sometime , so there did not seem to be any hurry .
8 She was damned if she was going to offer refreshment to them .
9 Eddie Gilfoyle is accused of murdering his wife Paula a fortnight before she was expected to give birth to their first child .
10 For us an Act of Parliament duly passed by Lords and Commons and assented to by the King , is supreme , and we are bound to give effect to its terms …
11 We were going to say hullo to you , and then walk round to that little island — it 's called Seal Island — I ca n't say the Gaelic name but Mrs McDougall told me that 's what it means .
12 Paul : ‘ I thought we were going to bring opera to the masses !
13 Forming the intention to adopt beliefs only when they correspond to reality postpones the settlement of belief : we are forced to adopt rules which , while they are guaranteed to reveal reality to us in the long run , are not guaranteed to do so in the short run .
14 And they 're made to come face to face with people who 've lost friends or relatives in drink driving accidents .
15 They 're trying to draw attention to themselves .
16 He expressed the opinion that the first defendant would be in breach of its duty to the plaintiffs ‘ if it were to agree to pay remuneration to the receiver which was plainly excessive . ’
17 It may also , however , particularly in the situation under discussion , be another factor obstructing the doctor even if he were to desire to give effect to a patient 's wishes .
18 ‘ I was sorry to see it go in a way , but on the other hand it 's been laid up for many years and now it 's going to give pleasure to other people .
19 It is said to give priority to prestige projects , to the detriment of serious planning and proper funding of research , which , in the main , has to depend on the goodwill of private sponsors .
20 It is wellplaced to direct attention to and comment on these threats where they affect its properties .
21 If I thought that the present case raised the question which has been held in suspense by more than one writer on constitutional law — namely , whether an assembly can properly be held to be unlawful merely because the holding of it is expected to give rise to a breach of the peace on the part of persons opposed to those who are holding the meeting — I should wish to hear much more argument before I expressed an opinion .
22 If I thought that the present case raised the question which has been held in suspense by more than one writer on constitutional law — namely , whether an assembly can properly be held to be unlawful merely because the holding of it is expected to give rise to a breach of the peace on the part of persons opposed to those who are holding the meeting — I should wish to hear much more argument before expressing an opinion .
23 It is going to cause hardship to a vast number of families .
24 To ask the Minister for the Arts what steps he is taking to encourage access to opera by young people and by a wider range of the public generally .
25 He knew full well that the only circumstances in which a regional planning manager would not be expected personally to present his Ten Year Business Plan to the President of the Corporation was if he was already earmarked for promotion and it was desired to give visibility to his successor , or if he was on his way out .
26 It was planned to fly food to the north-east Kenyan town of Wajir , from where it would be trucked to Somali refugees living in UN camps along the Kenyan border or sent by air into Somalia .
27 For them , the main explanation of national policy — at least in its centralization phrase — was that it was designed to undermine resistance to the wider political strategies of the Conservative government .
28 In addition to the changes in remission it was proposed to allow parole to be removed for prisoners serving over 4 years if it was felt that their release would put the public at risk .
29 Though he was bound to give priority to Italy and to the Hellenistic East in his negative analysis of Roman rule , it did not escape him that the barbarous West was involved in the crisis .
30 He was part of a delegation that went to the BBC to complain about proposed cuts to the Third Programme , the " cultural " channel of the broadcasting service ; he was working on the Commission for the Revised Psalter ; he was asked to give evidence to the Parliamentary Commission on Obscene Publications ( he had had very little experience of pornographic literature , he told the members of that commission , and his own work was " quite anodyne " ) .
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